Showing posts with label Debbie Wasserman Schultz Hillary Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Debbie Wasserman Schultz Hillary Clinton. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Clinton and DNC at Risk for Campaign Finance Violations

Hillary Clinton Hires Disgraced Debbie Wasserman Schultz - Interview with Eric Schiffer


With the WikiLeaks email scandal already causing the resignation of Democrat Party chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party may now face legal riskregarding violations of campaign finance guidelines.

The June 22 WikiLeaks disclosure of 19,252 hacked emails appears to show a pattern of senior officers of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) scheming and colludingto favor Hillary Clinton and oppose Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) during the 2016 Democrat primaries and caucuses. The emails include DNC plans to commit dirty tricks, spread false rumors, and coordinate activities directly with the Clinton campaign.


DNC officers earn annual salaries of $91,000 to $98,000 and staff members earn $29,000 and $96,000 a year, according to the Glassdoor website. Such apparent involvement by DNC employees in direct support of Clintons political campaign may have represented hundreds of thousands of dollars of value received.

Hillary Clintonfully understands the acute legal risk,aftershe hadher political start in the summer of 1971 working on a subcommittee for Democrat Senator Walter Mondale in Washington, D.C. Clinton leveraged those contacts to obtaina job in the spring of 1974 as a 26 year-old lawyer who helped draw up President Nixons articles of impeachment for obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and contempt of Congress.

Questions about Nixons election activities led to theFederal Election Campaign Act of 1971,which instituted stringent disclosure requirements for federal candidates, political parties and political action committees.

FECA amendments in 1974, following Nixons resignation, set very strict limits on contributions by individuals, political parties and PACs. The amendments also established an independent agency called the Federal Election Commission to administer campaign and party disclosures statutes, which include U.S. Code 52 USC 30109, that includes civil fines of up to 300 percent of illegal contributions, and criminal penalties of being imprisoned for not more than 5 years for knowingly and willfully committing a violation of any provision of the Act.

The FECA was further tightened with the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, whichbanned national parties from raising or spending non-federal funds, called soft money, which arecontributions to a political party that are not describedas going to a particular candidate, thus avoiding various legal limitations.

The FEC restricts individuals to contributions of up to $2,700, for each candidate, per election cycle; $5,000 for each Political Action Committee; $33,400 for a national committee per year; and $100,200 for national party committee accounts per year.

The current federal election campaign laws require strict separation between a political party and a candidate. The party cannot 1) coordinate with candidates and 2) use party soft money funds raised for party building activities, such as efforts to get-out-the-vote and generic issue advertising to promote a particular candidate.

The WikiLeaks disclosures suggest a deep coordination between the DNC and the Clinton campaign, but there is no direct evidence in the initial dump of hacked emails that there were any coordinated expenditures between the DNC and Clinton. It is possible, however,that the use of DNC staff man-hours and equipment to aid one candidate in the context of a primary electioncould have violated the soft-money expenditure ban.

The DNC and Clinton campaign may also beat risk for violating the campaign finance laws of the 50 states. In the 27 states with Republican Attorneys Generals, the DNC and Clinton probably cannot benefit from political loyalties but most state campaign finance laws are very lax.

WikiLeaks has stated that its hacker source, Guccifer 2.0, will soon release the emailsthat were not disclosed by Clinton to the State Department. Gussifer 2.0 also promises, The main part of the [DNC] papers, thousands of files and mails, I gave to WikiLeaks. They will publish them soon.


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Bernie Supporter Told Debbie Wasserman Schultz to "F*ck Off" Along With "Your b***h" Hillary in Email

WikiLeaks DNC Emails Forcing Debbie Wasserman Schultz to Resign. Clinton Only 1.9 Above Donald Trump

Even the lesser-known emails in the recent Wikileaks dump of hacked DNC emails contain fascinating details. For example, did you know that if you sent an interesting enough reply to a presidential campaigns email blast, they actually read it and pass it around? And did you know that despite having won the state, there are at least two Tennesseeans who are really not crazy about Hillary Clinton?

The DNC got at least two such replies to an email blast entitled Join me in Knoxville June 3rd!, the first being a profane, if misspelled, kiss-off from Knoxville-based executive Michael Vukmir to outgoing DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her b***h Hilary:

I wouldnt join the DNC in Knoxville unless Debbie steps down along with Hilary. You have lost every inch of my support so f**k off Debbie along with your b***h Hilary.

FEEL THE Bern b*****s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Another response to the same email was passed around by DNC staff as well:

DWS, youre almost as corrupt as $hillary Clinton. Ive already left the Democratic partyafter 32 years. Lots of us have. And you and your direction for the Democratic party are a large reason why. HRC is the other reason.

Its comingthe shock you will feel when MILLIONS of us wont vote for ShillaryPERIOD.

f**k you.

The DNC staffers internal response to both emails was the same: Great start!


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