Pokémon GO - NEW GAME-CHANGING UPDATE LEAKED: New Evolution Method, Candies, Stardust & New Items!
Pokmon GO developer Niantic Labs began distributing a second wave of email invites to eligible field testers in the United States yesterday.
The new batch of invitations didnt come without a small hiccup, however. Yesterday evening, a Nintendo News reader said, I got in, but now Im having issues getting my Google Play app to realize that I should be able to access the beta.
Unfortunately, Niantics email had a small typo in the URL link that prevented users from accessing the Pokmon GO field test app. Specifically, theres an extra letter in the link, as seen here:
- https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.nianticlabsc.pokemongo/join (incorrect)
- https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.nianticlabs.pokemongo/join (correct)
Simply deleting the c after nianticlabs will result in a working link. However, a few of Nintendo Newss Twitter followers (thanks, Postman, Jason and Ricky V) told us this morning that Niantic re-sent the email with the corrected URL.
If youve been chosen as one of the lucky field test participants, how are you enjoying Pokmon GO thus far? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below or on our social media channels.
The final version of Pokmon GO is still set to arrive onAndroid and iOS devices in 2016.
Follow Nintendo News on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus for the latestPokmon GO news coverage.
Source: http://nintendonews.com/news/mobile/pokemon-go-email-invites/