Showing posts with label John Oliver Brexit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Oliver Brexit. Show all posts

Friday, June 24, 2016

WATCH: Milo On Why Britain Should Leave The EU To Stop Muslim Immigration

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Voting (HBO)


Im currently in Girdwood,Alaska. You may wonder what has caused the gay European population of Alaska to climb, well, 100%, and the answer is that I am in the United States because I no longer recognise the Europe I grew up in.

I most often talk and write about the United States these days, but today I must talk to you about my homeland and the problems itfaces. It is important that Americans understand these problems because Europes problems today will be Americas tomorrow if yall dont act to prevent them.


For hundreds of years, Europe was a mesmerising and unique continent packed with fragile and remarkable cultures in a comparatively tiny area. It really is small. You cantake a train trip through several countries and experience half a dozen different cuisines, styles of music and people in the same time it would take to drive across an average-sized state in the US.

But I worry that my Europe the Europe of Mozart, Wagner, Rembrandt, Shakespeare, Hobbes, Locke and Hume is rapidly disappearing. What has replaced it is a confused place with no clear identity, clouded with fear, run by unaccountable and incompetent globalist bureaucrats.

Its people are afraid. Theyre afraid of something the media and political classes seem intent on encouraging, against the wishes of the people.

Im talking about the rising tide of Islamic immigration.

This is a difficult subject, and one that many Europeans dont want to talk or think about, for fear of being branded racist or bigoted. But, to my mind, its the most important dimension of the referendum, easily eclipsing questions about GDP, import tariffs and even national sovereignty.

Europe has bent over backwards to accommodate Muslims, hoping with every placation that Muslims will integrate with their host cultures.

But thats not happening. Instead of integrating, Muslims have got more segregated and extreme in their beliefs and practices.

Think about some of the news stories weve seen about Islam.In Rotherham, 1,400 girls were raped by Pakistani rape gangs because the authorities were too afraid of being called racist to investigate their crimes properly.

So-called rapefugees are flooding Europe. We dont see many women and children flooding into our cities under the cover of western compassion. We do see a lot of fighting-age young men with iPhones.

There is now a Muslim crime wave in Europe that governments wont recognise. In Sweden, recently crowned the rape capital of Europe, police have even been banned from mentioning the ethnicity of rape suspects. Why?

The terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels were committed by a mixture of homegrown terrorists and so-called refugees that is, ISIS operatives who came in because were too dumb to vet migrants properly.

France, motherland of Berlioz, Sartre, Debussy, Monet and Czanne, is today full of police no-go zones. Calais is now known as The Jungle and the Paris Metro looks like South Sudan and is about as safe.

In my home town of London weve elected a Muslim, Sadiq Khan, as mayor. We call him a moderate, ignoring his past history with some nasty characters, the fact that his wife immediately donned a hijab after he was elected, his idiotic beef with Donald Trump and his move to ban body shaming ads on the Tube.

He has vowed to ban images of women in the public square in the name of feminism. But that sounds eerily like what happens in the Middle East, doesnt it?

The people of Europe have started to realise they have not a radical Islam problem, but an Islam problem.Some Europeans might find this difficult to hear. They might even call it islamophobic. But consider the evidence.

A Gallup poll a few years ago showed that 100 per cent of British Muslims believe homosexuality is an unacceptable lifestyle choice.Over half of them want it made illegal, too.39 per cent of British Muslims believe a woman should always obey her husband.And a quarter of them want sharia law in the UK.

I was in Orlando last week, the site of the deadliest mass shooting in American history. And it wasnt a troubled white male loser gunning down a school. It was a Muslim described as not particularly religious by his dad who killed 50 gay people and maimed 50 more.

There is no reason to suppose thatMuslims in Europe have any better opinions of women, gays, blacks, latinos and, lets face it, everyone else, than Orlando killer Omar Mateen.

Dont make the mistake of considering Islam a problem for gays. Muslims have a unique ability to be offended at anything. Its us today. It will be you tomorrow.

Again: this isnt radical Islam. Its Islam.

European elites have suggested adding Turkey to the EU. Turkey, once a country headed for a secular, progressive future, is now a hotbed of Islamic extremism. It is the home of the Islamic creationist movement and a dozen other deeply regressive strands of Islamic thought.

Turkey does not belong in a political union with the United Kingdom.

Englands Brexit campaign is a positive step to regain its national sovereignty and prevent an influx of Muslim refugees. The EU, certainly, is not willing to do whats necessary to make people safe.

In the past, immigrant meant someone who wanted to improve their familys future. Muslim immigrants do not fit that definition. They want to turn Bradford into Baghdad.

Leaving the European Union is Britains best chance of avoiding the fate that Germany and Sweden have chosen for themselves. If I were you, I would vote Leave.

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