Showing posts with label Melanie Hamrick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melanie Hamrick. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2016

Mick Jagger wird noch einmal Vater: Freundin Melanie Hamrick schwanger

Melanie Hamrick, la mujer con la que Jagger olvidó a L"Wren Scott / Joanna Vegabiestro

London (dpa) - Rocklegende und s*x-Symbol: Rolling-Stones-Snger Mick Jagger (72) wird zum achten Mal Vater. Das besttigte sein Management am Freitag der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Jaggers mehr als 40 Jahre jngere Freundin Melanie Hamrick, eine Ballett-Tnzerin aus den USA, ist schwanger. Fr die 29-Jhrige ist es das erste Kind.

Der britische Frontmann ("Angie", "(I Cant Get No) Satisfaction") hat schon oft fr Schlagzeilen gesorgt - nicht nur als Musiker, sondern auch wegen seines Liebeslebens. Mit vier Frauen hat er bereits sieben Kinder im Alter von 17 bis 45 Jahren: Karis, Jade, Elizabeth, James, Georgia, Gabriel und Lucas. Sein jngster Sohn Lucas stammt aus einer Beziehung mit einem brasilianischen Modell.

Auerdem ist Sir Mick - er wurde 2003 fr seine "Verdienste um die Popmusik" geadelt - schon Uropa: Er hat nach Angaben seines Managements und britischer Medien fnf Enkel und eine Urenkelin.

Auf die Frage, wann er bemerkt habe, dass er ein echter Frauenheld sei, antwortete der drre Musiker einmal in einem Interview: "Mit ungefhr 18. Die Stones hatten gerade angefangen, in Londoner Clubs zu spielen und ich realisierte, ich bekam viel Aufmerksamkeit von Frauen, normalerweise war das nicht so."

Jagger, der am 26. Juli 73 Jahre alt wird, und Hamrick haben sich britischen Medien zufolge nach dem Tod der Modedesignerin L"Wren Scott 2014 kennengelernt. Sie war viele Jahre lang die Partnerin des Sngers und leblos in ihrer New Yorker Wohnung entdeckt worden.

Nach einem Bericht der Boulevardzeitung "The Sun" wird Hamrick nicht mit Jagger zusammenziehen. Sie wolle in den USA bleiben, vermutlich in der Nhe ihrer Familie in Connecticut oder in Los Angeles. Ihre Karriere als Ballerina gehe vermutlich zu Ende. Apropos Ballerina: Auch Jagger hat mal Ballett-Unterricht genommen - nach eigener Aussage, um seinen Gleichgewichtssinn zu schrfen.

In der Band ist Jagger mit seinem Kinderreichtum nicht allein: Gitarrist Ron Wood (69) hat insgesamt sechs Shne und Tchter. Er war zuletzt vor etwa zwei Monaten Vater von Zwillingen geworden. Gracie Jane brachte es auf 2,7 Kilogramm, Alice Rose wog knapp 2,6 Kilo bei der Geburt. Jagger gehrte damals zu den ersten Gratulanten. "Mick konnte es einfach nicht abwarten, sie zu sehen", berichtete Wood.


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Mick Jagger and Ballerina GF Melanie Hamrick Expecting First Baby

Mick Jagger 72 Having A Baby With Melanie Hamrick Who"s 29 (IS HE TOO OLD?)
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - NOVEMBER 22: Lead Singer Mick Jagger in action as The Rolling Stones perform live at Mt Smart Stadium on November 22, 2014 in Auckland, New Zealand. (Photo : Fiona Goodall/Getty Images)

Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stonesis about to become a father again after it was confirmed that his girlfriend, ballerina Melanie Hamrick, is pregnant with their first baby. This means that the 72-year-old rocker is about to have his eighthchild.

It seems having babies at a late age is becoming common among members of the legendary rock group as two months ago, Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood andhis girlfriend Sally Humphreyswelcomed their twin daughters just before his 69thbirthday, according to Billboard.

With the pregnancy of Hamrick, Jagger is set to become a father of eight. While the baby will be the couple"s first, Jagger currently has a total of seven children with five different women. The oldest is Karisfrom his then-girlfriend MarshaHuntfollowed by Jade Sheena Jezebel, Jagger"s daughter with his first wife Bianca.

He also has four kids with former model Jerry Hall. Their names are Elizabeth Scarlett, James Leroy Augustin, Georgia May Ayeeshaand Gabriel Luke Jagger. The artist also has a son named Lucas with Brazilian model and television personality Luciana Gimenez.

According to The Sun"s sources, 29-year-old Hamrick is not intimidated by the idea of joining Jagger"s big family. Instead, the insiders noted that she"s very supportive of him becoming a father again.

However, it is not yet clear if Hamrick and Jagger, who have been dating since 2014, will live together in London once their baby arrives. Although the sources stated that she might retire from her career as a ballerina after she gives birth, she is expected to relocate to Los Angeles, where Jagger spends most of his time.

As for the rest of the Rolling Stones, the iconic English rock band is set to perform at the Desert Trip Festival in Indio, California in October. The other artists and groups featured in the lineup include Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Roger Waters, Neil Youngand The Who.


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Mick Jagger sar padre per l"ottava volta: la ballerina ventinovenne Melanie Hamrick in dolce attesa

White Swan Pas de Deux - ADC Gala 2014 - Melanie Hamrick, Thomas Forster ABT
A 73 anni, Mick Jagger diventer padre per l"ottava volta. Le prime indiscrezioni erano arrivate qualche giorno fa dai tabloid di mezzo mondo e oggi sono state confermate dagli agenti del frontman dei Rolling Stones.

In dolce attesa la ballerina ventinovenne Melanie Hamrick che Jagger frequenta dal 2014. Una fonte del Sun, che per primo ha riportato la notizia, ha rivelato che la coppia si detta Sorpresa e felice aggiungendo che i due Si vedono spesso e si piacciono molto, ma preferiscono continuare ad avere vite indipendenti.

Il nuovo arrivo si aggiunge ai sette fratelli James, Jade, Elizabeth, Lucas, Karis, Gabriel e Georgia, di et compresa tra i 17 e i 45 anni. A metterli alla luce quattro mamme diverse Bianca Jagger, Jerry Hall, Marsha Hunt e Luciana Gimenez. Don"t Stop, cantavano gli Stones nel 2002 e sembra che la rock band britannica non ne abbia la minima intenzione. Solo a Maggio, il chitarrista Ron Wood era diventato padre di due gemelle, Gracie Jane e Alicia Rose, messe alla luce dalla moglie Sally Humphreys, 30 anni pi giovane.


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