HARRY POTTER 8 / Harry Potter and the Cursed Child / OFFICIAL TRAILER 2016
For a few years now,thousands of Harry Potter fans across the worldhave been flocking to Londonfor the best Harry Potter fanexperiences. Whetherit be tours of the set, meet and greets with theactors, or even book signingswithJ.K Rowling herself; the fan base has been pouring into the city.
Earliertoday, we discussed the tragicdeath of a beloved J.K Rowling character, RemusLupin. But thats not all. Today, we have some great newsto share withyou. Ifyouve been thinking what to about journeying to London to see theupcomingstage-play Harry Potter andthe Cursed Child, hold onto yourwallets.
Harry Potter seriescreator J.K. Rowling recentlytweeted thatthe production may be taken to other countries.
Were hoping to take #CursedChild toother countries in duecourse. #HarryPotterPlayhttps://t.co/01lHH0JfvZ
Rowling (@jk_rowling) April 30, 2016
While plans for the stage tour have notbeenfinalized, the idea isstill extremely exciting. Rowling hasnt revealed anydetails about whichcountries might be lucky enough tohost the production orwhat the time-frame for it reaching them may be.Lets keep our fingerscrossed,fellow Harry Potter fans!
Harry Potter and the CursedChild isset to open July 30 in the WestEnds Palace Theatre. Theplay follows Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, RonWeasley and their kids 19 yearsafter the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, picking upafterthe epilogue.
Ifthe theater is not your scene, dont worry, theHarry Potter and theCursed Child book is hittingshelves this summer aswell, giving all Potter fans a chance to read theeighth Harry Potterstory.
Heres the official synopsis for Harry Potter and theCursed Child:
It was always difficult being Harry Potterand itisnt much easier nowthat he is an overworked employee of the Ministry ofMagic, a husband andfather of three school-agechildren.WhileHarry grapples with a past that refuses tostay where it belongs, hisyoungestson Albus must struggle with the weight of a family legacy he neverwanted. Aspast and presentfuse ominously, both father and son learn the uncomfortabletruth:sometimes, darkness comes from unexpectedplaces.
Check out thisvideo below, where J.K Rowling takesusinside the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child rehearsalroom!
Source: http://fanfest.com/2016/05/03/j-k-rowling-plans-to-take-harry-potter-and-the-cursed-child-abroad/