Will Smith"s Son Jaden Tricked Him into Going to London for His 18th Birthday
Jaden Smith may be the son of celebrity Will Smith, but hes been making a name for himself. Jaden has appeared in several Hollywood blockbusters along with his dad, but he now has his own Netflix series coming out.
Jaden Smiths The Get Down premieres on the streaming service on August 12. While promoting his sons new series on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Smith revealed that he also had to shut down Jaden Smiths 18th birthday scheme to drink alcohol.
Jaden Smith invited his entire family to celebrate his birthday with him in London, and Will was impressed at first but soon found out that Jaden had an ulterior motive. When the Smith family went out for a meal, Jaden shocked his family by ordering tequila. When Will protested, Jaden revealed that the drinking age is 18 in England and that he could now drink alcohol as long as he was in London.
However, Will managed to use some quick thinking to shut down Jadens underage drinking plan. By reminding Jaden that it was still noon back in L.A. and that he wasnt born until 4:00 p.m., Will was able to stop the drinking plan.
Jaden Smith visits Good Morning America in NYCs Times Square. 08/03/2016. Credit: Fortunata/Splash News.
While Will Smith was successful in stopping his sons scheme, underage drinking is a major concern in the U.S. In fact, underage drinking has a variety of health and safety risks, according to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
It can lead to health problems, injuries, property damage, behavioral issues, poor school performance, and even death.
Underage drinking is also more common than many people might expect. Statistics show that 65 percent of teenagers have had an alcoholic drink by the time they are 18. Teenagers are more likely to binge-drink than adults, consuming dangerous levels of alcoholic drinks within a short amount of time.
Statistics show that teenagers consume over 90 percent of their alcohol through binging. Binge-drinking has even greater health concerns than regular alcohol consumption.
How dangerous is underage drinking? According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, alcohol is implicated in the deaths of over 4,000 people under the age of 21 each year, and over 180,000 people under the age of 21 visit emergency rooms for alcohol-related injuries.
Furthermore, research suggests that alcohol can impact the development of young peoples brains, negatively affecting both their brain function and structure. This can end up causing learning difficulties, and can raise the risk for alcoholism later in life.
Given how serious underage drinking can be, its good that Will Smith was able to shut down Jaden Smiths tequila plan. By waiting a few more years before having alcohol, Jaden may be in a safer position.
For parents, its important to ensure that their children are not binge-drinking or consuming alcoholic drinks regularly. Follow Will Smiths lead, and keep your kids alcohol-free until they are of legal age.
Sources:Ledbetter, Carly, Jaden Smiths Plan to Drink on His 18th Birthday Was Shut Down by Dad Will Smith, Cambio website, August 1, 2016; http://www.cambio.com/2016/08/01/jaden-smith-s-plan-to-drink-on-his-18th-birthday-was-shut-down-b/, last accessed August 4, 2016.Underage Drinking, National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism website; http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/UnderageDrinking/Underage_Fact.pdf, last accessed August 4, 2016.
Source: http://www.foods4betterhealth.com/will-smith-stopped-jaden-smiths-drinking-plan-16653