OOPS! Pedophile and Disgraced Former Congressman Mark Foley Sitting Behind Trump at Rally
The President and CEO of Zeltiq Aesthetics Inc, Mark Foley has made a surprising deal in the public company that is amounting to $1,894,508 USD. According to the D.C. based-SEC legal report filed on August 10, 2016, Mark unloaded 50,000 shares at an average price-per-share of $37.9. Mark is trying to quietly decrease his companys share, same as he did in the last 30 days. He sold another 60,000 shares worth $2,062,543 USD. This deal was pretty significant one, so clearly it wont go unseen. Today, Mark Foley has in hand a total of 315,940 shares or 0.80% of Zeltiq Aesthetics Incs total market cap.
Out of 6 analysts covering Zeltiq Aesthetics (NASDAQ:ZLTQ), 5 rate it a Buy, 0 Sell, while 1 Hold. This means 83% are positive. $50 is the highest target while $35 is the lowest. The $39.33 average target is 2.88% above todays ($38.23) stock price. Zeltiq Aesthetics has been the topic of 10 analyst reports since August 26, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. JP Morgan maintained the stock on August 9 with Neutral rating. Griffin Securities upgraded the shares of ZLTQ in a report on January 22 to Buy rating. Lastly, Piper Jaffray maintained the stock with Buy rating in a September 1 report.
The institutional sentiment decreased to 1.12 in Q1 2016. Its down 0.29, from 1.41 in 2015Q4. The ratio dropped, as 43 funds sold all Zeltiq Aesthetics Inc shares owned while 46 reduced positions. 41 funds bought stakes while 59 increased positions. They now own 42.84 million shares or 1.95% more from 42.02 million shares in 2015Q4.
Drill Craig A holds 19.57% of its portfolio in Zeltiq Aesthetics Inc for 285,800 shares. Aisling Capital Llc owns 2.10 million shares or 11.44% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Provident Investment Management Inc. has 2.46% invested in the company for 454,031 shares. The Netherlands-based Alpinvest Partners B.V. has invested 2.24% in the stock. Nichols Asset Management Llc, a Massachusetts-based fund reported 327,661 shares.
About 649,437 shares traded hands. Zeltiq Aesthetics Inc (NASDAQ:ZLTQ) has risen 43.26% since January 5, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 35.08% the S&P500.
ZELTIQ Aesthetics, Inc. is a medical technology company. The company has a market cap of $1.70 billion. The Firm focuses on developing and commercializing products utilizing its controlled-cooling technology platform. It has a 57.29 P/E ratio. The Companys product, the CoolSculpting System, is designed to reduce stubborn fat bulges.
According to Zacks Investment Research, Zeltiq Aesthetics Inc. is a medical technology company engaged in designing, development and commercialization of non-invasive procedures for the reduction of unwanted fat tissue. The Company offers CoolSculpting System and other products to the dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and aesthetic specialists in North America and internationally. Zeltiq Aesthetics Inc. is based in Pleasanton, California.
Source: http://www.consumereagle.com/mark-foley-sold-50000-shares-of-zeltiq-aesthetics-inc-nasdaqzltq-in-an-insider-trade/114937/