Saturday, March 21, 2015

Imagine the view for NCAA basketball visitors if Syracuse lit up downtown, CNY ...

#1 Kentucky vs #4 Louisville Ncaa Tournament Final Four 2012 (Full Game)

SYRACUSE, N.Y. - You could say a light bulb came on for Jay Bauer.

He had an idea to market Syracuse that seemed simple until he started knocking on doors at City Hall and other power places.

Jay Bauer, of Clay, wants to "Light Up Syracuse" during the NCAA basketball tournament games in March.Provided photo

Bauer wants Syracuse to leave the lights on as thousands of visitors leave the Carrier Dome after the NCAA East Regional basketball games March 27 and 29.

Imagine the view, he said, if every office tower, hospital, government building, restaurant and downtown business turned on its lights those Friday and Saturday nights.

Bauer turned his idea into a video presentation and shopped it around to staff at Syracuse University, the Convention and Visitors Bureau, Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner and Onondaga County Executive Joanie Mahoney.

"We can turn on the lights and it costs nothing. It takes five minutes for the mayor or the county executive to call a press conference and say this is what we"re going to do," he said.

He tried to get attention on Twitter from Gov. Andrew Cuomo, U.S. Rep. John Katko and David Muir, the ABC World News Tonight anchor and former Syracusan.

So far, the most promising response came from Mahoney Tuesday in a live chat on

Bauer asked: "Do you support "Light Up Syracuse?" Are you willing to call a press conference to proclaim it and promote it during the NCAA weekend March 27-29th?"

Mahoney mentioned her efforts to light up Columbus Circle as symphony and theater patrons leave events at the Civic Center.

"I imagine that a full-scale lighting could do even more and we will look into it," Mahoney wrote.

David Holder, president of the Syracuse Convention and Visitors Bureau, said the idea has a lot of merit. But his staff is already focused on many other moving parts for that weekend. They are training volunteers to greet people at the airport and hotels. There will be shuttle buses to take people from Armory Square and Destiny USA to the Carrier Dome. Other volunteers will man the bus stops to give directions and information.

The games are expected to attract tens of thousands of people who could spend up to $7 million.

Holder said building momentum for an idea is not as simple as holding a press conference.

"I think we"ve got to put that in our pocket as a community and hold onto that and use it for another event, or make an event around that, a celebration of Syracuse," Holder said.

Bauer has already scaled back his original idea. At first, he thought the city should launch fireworks when the games ended. When someone suggested the cost of extra fire personnel, he looked into lasers instead.

With only 7 days before tip off, Bauer would be happy if everyone simply flipped on their light switches.

Bauer lost both of his parents before the age of 10 and was raised by an aunt and uncle in Syracuse. He left for a teaching career in New Jersey and retired to Clay because of the low cost of living.

He said he never lost his passion for the city he says "saved my life."

People who know me know that I use the phrase "G*d. Family. Syracuse."

After he moved, Bauer would return to Syracuse for basketball games and other events. He has written letters to the editor to defend the city against other visitors who were less than impressed.

He said the most passionate people about Syracuse are often those who moved away and realize what they have left behind. Some of those people will be here to watch the games as well as the fans of the teams that make it to the NCAA semi-finals.

People who can afford spur-of-the-moment plane tickets and hotel rooms are the kinds of wealthy visitors he believes could come back and invest in Syracuse businesses.

He said the lights would also bring Syracusans out to participate. He said the residents of Pittsburgh look forward to a similar event around the holidays.

"I think "Light Up Syracuse" is as much about Syracuse seeing ourselves in a different light as it is for all the visitors who are going to come to Syracuse and see it lit up," he said. "Why not just turn on the lights?"

Contact Michelle Breidenbach anytime: Email | Twitter | 315-470-3186.


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Friday, March 20, 2015

"Insurgent" is a stupid way to rule the world

Insurgent Final Trailer – “Stand Together”

Photo: Handout, McClatchy-Tribune News Service




Tris (Shailene Woodley) and Four (Theo James) in "The Divergent Series: Insurgent."

Photo: Handout, McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Rosa Salazar (foreground from left), Emjay Anthony and Suki Waterhouse in The Divergent Series: Insurgent.

Photo: Andrew Cooper, Associated Press

Kate Winslet plays the power-mad Erudite ruler who wants to kill all the Divergents in Insurgent.

Photo: Andrew Cooper, Associated Press

Four (Theo James, left) and Tris (Shailene Woodley) and a group of their associates are trying to overthrow the social order in The Divergent Series: Insurgent.

Photo: Andrew Cooper, Associated Press

Naomi Watts in Insurgent, the latest in The Divergent Series, which is based on Veronica Roths popular teen books.

Photo: Andrew Cooper, Associated Press

Theo James (left), Shailene Woodley and Miles Teller in The Divergent Series: Insurgent.

Photo: Andrew Cooper, Associated Press

In this image released by Lionsgate, Theo James, center, Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort appear in a scene from "The Divergent Series: Insurgent." (AP Photo/Lionsgate, Andrew Cooper)

Photo: Andrew Cooper, Associated Press

Octavia Spencer stars as "Johanna" in "The Divergent Series: Insurgent."

Photo: Andrew Cooper, McClatchy-Tribune News Service

"Insurgent is a stupid way to rule the world

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For what it is, Insurgent is a reasonably executed, sporadically enjoyable installment in the projected four-part Divergent series, based on the novels by Veronica Roth. Yet, theres no escaping what it is, and what it is ... is silly.

The best thing to say for the film, and this is no small thing, is that Insurgent moves the story forward significantly. Even The Two Towers, in Peter Jacksons Lord of the Rings trilogy, suffered from middle-book-itis, a condition in which a story neither begins nor ends and thus leaves audiences unsatisfied. But Insurgent lands with a real sense of completion, with one grand movement concluded and another about to begin.

That dystopian visions of the future keep turning up onscreen these days probably says something about how people feel about the present, but the Divergent series seems less like a futuristic nightmare than a metaphor for high school. The central idea is that, 200 years from now, in the blasted-out ruin of Chicago at least they left New York alone for once humanity has devised a rigid but functional way to keep the peace. It divides human beings into five groups, based on personality type, and each group lives in a separate enclave.

The groups are Erudite (intellectuals), Abnegation (selfless individuals), Dauntless (warriors), Amity (peace lovers) and Candor (honest people). People who are Divergent have elements of all types and are considered dangerous. Others who fail to pass entrance training for one of the factions are the Factionless, who live miserable lives of poverty and violence and are led by Naomi Watts, whose role is a major plot point.

As a high school metaphor, this makes some kind of sense, the notion that there are jocks and nerds and hippies and people into student government but that some of the most promising kids dont fit in anywhere. But to extrapolate from this some grand vision of a future society is absurd on its face. For one thing, dividing people into self-contained factions is a recipe for conflict, not cooperation. Furthermore, the idea that people with similar personalities will get along harmoniously contradicts what we all know. People with similar personalities often bang heads.

Finally, nobody is one thing. Everybody is divergent, so the idea, repeated again and again, that divergent people are a special breed is a little ridiculous. In fact, just about everything in Insurgent is ridiculous, and the more the movie expands to show how the Candor people live and how the hippie-dippy Amity dwellers get along, the harder it is to keep from groaning.

Faced with this, the actors and filmmakers do the one thing they can do. They commit to this world vision with religious intensity. Insurgent begins where Divergent left off. Tris (Shailene Woodley), her handsome boyfriend and fellow warrior, Four (Theo James), and a group of their associates are on the run from the power-mad Erudite ruler (Kate Winslet), who wants to restore order by killing all the Divergents. But Tris wants to do more than survive. She wants to lead the revolution.

If you want to make a million dollars, write a teen novel in which a seemingly unremarkable teenage girl becomes the romantic obsession of an insanely handsome young man. (If you want to make a billion dollars, give her two insanely handsome young men, as in the Twilight series.) Like Bella, Tris is just awesome, but at least Woodley makes you half believe it, with her unclouded aura. Looking at her is like looking into clear water.

Much of the screen time in Insurgent is taken up with politics, the efforts of Tris and Four to forge alliances and launch a coup, but this makes for flat viewing. The world of the film is so far-fetched that the mechanics of its functioning are of no interest. Whats worse, the behavior of the characters often goes against the movies own internal logic, which is flimsy to begin with.

Robert Schwentke brings a kind of brain-dead intensity to the calmer scenes, a passionate fervor that admits no variety of humor, except the unintentional. But he does much better in the big virtual sequences, in which we see what Tris imagines as she is hooked up to a simulator. These are the best scenes in the movie, its one claim to, if not originality, idiosyncrasy, and it really helps Insurgent that the climactic sequence leans heavily in this virtual direction.

Insurgent would be a much worse movie if the good parts were all at the beginning. But they are saved for the end, and they leave the viewer with a feeling of, Well, that was OK, even though most of it wasnt.

Mick LaSalle is The San Francisco Chronicles movie critic. E-mail: Twitter: @MickLaSalle


Action fantasy. Starring Shailene Woodley, Theo James and Kate Winslet. Directed by Robert Schwentke. (PG-13. 119 minutes.)


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We Watched The "Paper Towns" Trailer With John Green And Hundreds Of His ...

"Paper Towns" Trailer Highlights
by Kase Wickman 3/18/2015

I like nerds much more than I like popular people, author John Green, the driving force behind last years biggest tearjerker, The Fault In Our Stars, told a packed theater at AMC Kips Bay in New York City Wednesday night (March 18).

Green, director Jake Schreier and actress Halston Sage were on-hand to introduce the first trailer for Paper Towns (due out July 24) as well as two clips from the latest Green novel to get the big-screen treatment.

You guys are going to be the first people to see the trailer other than, like, us, Green told the frenzied crowd.

That is going to be public in, like, 14 hours, Schreier said of the trailer. But the clips had more exclusivity. What youre about to see isnt going to be public for, like, four months. I literally just came from the editing room.

While the first clip rolled, the trio huddled against a wall to take it in as a group. Sorry, we really wanted to watch that together, Green told the crowd as they took their seats again.

During a Q&A with the fans, moderated by MTVs Josh Horowitz, we learned what everyone really thinks of Sage (Youre a huge nerd, Green said lovingly), what star Cara Delevingnes most Margo Roth Spiegelman-esque quality is (painful intensity), how the cast passed time on set (singing Taylor Swift) and the likelihood that the cameo Green shot would actually end up in the movie (73 percent, according to Schreier, much better odds than the Fault cameo that ended up on the cutting room floor). The fans, as fans tend to do, went wild.

It was great, it was great, Green said of the enthusiastic crowd after the trailer screening. He, Schreier and Sage sat at the front of a totally empty theater with the lights up, following a second showing of the trailer.

Its always weird to be in a room full of people who saw it for the first time, Green added. It was amazing to hear the screams and the laughs and the awws. It was pretty cool.

Asking which scenes theyre most excited for fans to see when the full film is released in July quickly turns into a laundry list of key scenes.

Theres a scene where Ben pees in the back of a minivan that is pretty great, pretty hilarious, Green said. Im excited for people to see Ben peeing. And the beer sword and the bathtub scene, Im excited about and Radar and Angela have an amazing scene together that Im excited for. The whole prank night with Margo is exciting.

The SunTrust building, Im excited for that, Schreier said.

And thats not even mentioning the infamous Worlds Largest Collection of Black Santas, which, yes, did make it into the film.

We have a lot of black Santas, Schreier said. I promise that every single black Santa that was procurable in the United States was procured.

The cast and crew all received gifts of black Santas during the production, and each is different. Sage described hers as being mid-hip thrust while Schreiers is a fairly typical Norman Rockwell Santa.

Tomorrow, when the trailer hits, youll likely find Green and the cohort scrolling Twitter for your reactions, so be kind. And if you dont meet them in cyberspace, you might still see them in person: all three said they planned to head to theaters to see the trailer on the big screen in coming days.

And then it was time to go and face the crowds again, dashing down the stairs beside the groups escalator and stopping for selfies every few feet once they reached the bottom, all the way to the waiting car outside.

DFTBA! one fan shouted after. I had to look it up, but once I did, the acronym, a catchphrase of fans of Green and his brother, Hank Green, seemed fitting: dont forget to be awesome.

Paper Towns hits theaters July 24.


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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Boomer & Carton: Former NBA player Jack Haley dead at 51

Jack Haley Desperately Wants to Score
NBA: Boomer & Carton: Former NBA player Jack Haley dead at 51 - Video - Buckeyes-Rams (TNT) | GameTracker ","synopsis":"NCAA Tournament","photo":{"width":"231","seq_no":"1","content_id":"25114542","href":"$IMAGE_SERVER/u/photos/basketball/college/img25114542.jpg","height":"130"},"href":"","title":"Live: OSU, VCU down to wire"},"headlines":[{"href":"","content":"Watch LIVE: VCU vs. Ohio State (TNT)"},{"href":"","content":"Follow LIVE: VCU vs. Ohio State (TNT)"},{"href":"","content":"Watch LIVE: Villanova-Lafayette (TBS)"},{"href":"","content":"Expert Picks for Round of 64"},{"href":"","content":"Night Court: Plenty of upsets on first day"},{"href":"","content":"Parrish: The Marshall plan at Wichita St."},{"href":"","content":"Georgia State stuns No. 3 Baylor on 35-footer"}]},"fantasy news":{"minicover":{"body":" Can Odell Beckham have a second season as good as the first? Maybe, but Dave Richard goes deeper than that while looking at second-year wideouts. Full story ","synopsis":"Can Odell Beckham have a second season as good as the first? Maybe, but our Dave Richard goes a bit deeper than that while looking at second-year wideouts.","photo":{"width":"320","seq_no":"0","content_id":"25113031","href":"$IMAGE_SERVER/u/photos/fantasy/img25113031.jpg","height":"180"},"href":"","title":"History repeating?"},"headlines":[{"href":null,"content":null}]},"worldcup":{"minicover":{"body":"

John Brooks" header to send the US past Ghana. Brazil"s epic collapse. Mario Gotze"s clinching goal in the final. We hand out awards for the best moments in Brazil. Story ","synopsis":"World Cup in review","photo":{"width":"231","seq_no":"1","content_id":"24620624","href":"$IMAGE_SERVER/u/photos/soccer/img24620624.jpg","height":"130"},"href":"","title":"World Cup"s best moments"},"headlines":[{"href":"","content":"Cup final sets ratings mark for soccer on US TV"},{"href":"","content":"Massive crowd toasts German team in Berlin"},{"href":"","content":"Maradona: Messi undeserving of Golden Ball"},{"href":"","content":"Germany early favorite for the 2018 World Cup"},{"href":"","content":"Brazil boots manager after ugly World Cup finish"},{"href":"","content":"Suarez will lose millions from Barca if he bites"},{"href":"","content":"Germany edges Argentina to win "14 World Cup"}]}}; if (globalNav && navContentJson) {globalNav.init(navContentJson);} CBSi.globalNav = globalNav; });


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"Empire" Creator Danny Strong -- Catfight Between Cookie and Olivia Pope ...

Empire Cast - No Apologies ft. Jussie Smollett, Yazz

Catfight Between Cookie and Olivia Pope? ... Interesting

3/19/2015 6:13 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF


"Empire" creator Danny Strong seems fascinated by the prospect of a mashup between his show and "Scandal."

Strong was out Wednesday night celebrating the season finale of his EPICALLY popular show when we asked about the possibility of the two biggest shows on social media colliding.

He was hip to the idea -- and even threw out a few storylines -- but man did he clam up quick when we asked him about Oprah Winfrey possibly appearing next season. BUT, Lee Daniels just confirmed O will be on his show next season.


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"Dancing With the Stars" 2015: Season 20 Celebrity Cast Announced

"Dancing With the Stars:" Rumer Willis Behind the Scenes

"Dancing With the Stars" fans, wait no more. The season 20 star-studded celebrity cast was revealed today on "Good Morning America" and the competition is shaping up to be one of the fiercest yet.

Television icon Suzanne Somers, music great Patti LaBelle, football star Michael Sam and Olympian Nastia Liukin are among the stars getting ready to rhumba and samba on the dance floor.

Nastia Liukin, an Olympic champion gymnast, is paired up with none other than beloved pro dancer Derek Hough, who is back this season in a shocking surprise. Hough, a five-time mirror ball champ and Emmy-winning choreographer, previously announced his "DWTS" departure to perform in the Radio City Spring Spectacular.

"This all happened literally two days ago," Hough said live on "GMA" from New York where he will practice with Liukin. "I had a little heartbreak not being able to a part of the 10th anniversary, the 20th season. It"s such a huge milestone for Dancing With the Stars. Its my family, so I wanted to be a part of it. ... Im so glad we made it happen. Lets make it the best season ever."

"Shark Tank" mogul Robert Herjavec, Hunger Games actress Willow Shields, artist-actress Rumer Willis, Party Rock Anthem singer Redfoo and R5 singer-songwriter Riker Lynch will also be vying for the trophy this season.

FULL LIST: Season 20 Pro Dancers Announced

PHOTOS: Get to Know the Season 20 "Dancing" Pros!

"Dancing With the Stars" 2014: Alfonso Ribeiro Wins in Season 19 Finals

One star name fans may not know yet is U.S. Army veteran Noah Galloway. The Iraq War veteran lost his left arm above the elbow and left leg above the knee in an IED attack and will bring his inspirational story of overcoming all the odds to the ballroom.

Another fresh face is Charlotte McKinney, the model who shot to fame in a racy Super Bowl ad for Carls Jr., and will give it a whirl in the ballroom.

Todd Wawrychuk/ABC

PHOTO: The star-studded celebrity cast for season 20 of "Dancing With the Stars" was revealed today on "Good Morning America."

Co-hosts Tom Bergeron and Erin Andrews announced 11 celebrities who will be vying for the mirror ball trophy today on "Good Morning America" live from Los Angeles.

Another celebrity competitor will be named before the March 16th premiere and will be dancing with pro Whitney Carson, who won season 19 with her actor Alfonso Ribeiro.

The "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" star and reigning champ surprised the celebrity cast for the "GMA" announcement and shared his advice.

"The one thing I would say to everybody is simply that it is a marathon, not a sprint," Ribeiro said. "It"s not about winning week one, it"s about winning that final week. You"ve got to take it slow, pace yourself. Go hard, learn everything, and be the best you can be and give it 100 percent, but pace yourself."

See Photos and Learn More About the Season 20 Celebrity Cast!

The 10th anniversary season is being billed as the biggest ever. Producers will bring back Disney and Latin theme nights and introduce a new Spring Break special night. Another new element is the addition of all-access cameras in the rehearsal studios, which will be made available on a live stream.The mirrorball trophy has also gotten a makeover, changing from the traditional silver to gold for the anniversary season.

See the list of season 20 celebrities and their pro partners below:Noah Galloway with Sharna BurgessRobert Herjavec with Kym JohnsonPatti LaBelle with Artem ChigvintsevNastia Liukin with Derek HoughRiker Lynch with Allison HolkerCharlotte McKinney with Keo MotsepeRedFoo with Emma SlaterMichael Sam with Peta MurgatroydWillow Shields with Mark BallasSuzanne Somers with Tony DovolaniRumer Willis with Valentin Chmerkovskiy

"Dancing With the Stars" 2015: New Cast Answers Fan Questions

Which celebrity are you most excited to see hit the dance floor this season? Tell us what you think in the comments and watch the season premiere of "Dancing with the Stars" March 16 on ABC.

WATCH: "Dancing With the Stars" Pros Val Chmerkovskiy"s Audition Tape

PHOTOS: "DWTS" Pros as Kids: Can You Guess the "Dancing" Pro?

Watch the season 20 premiere of "Dancing With the Stars" on Monday, March 16, at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.


PHOTO: The season 20 premiere of "Dancing With the Stars" airs on Monday, March 16th at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.


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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Savory Savoy Dish Adds Twist to Tradition

How to Make Corned Beef and Cabbage

Truth be told, I am not a corned beef and cabbage person but wanted to make something in commemoration of St. Patricks Day, so I decided on stuffed Savoy cabbage, a fitting and brilliantly green veggie with a savory and healthy farro and meat filling. I gave the dish a little Italianism too, adding tomato sauce and Im OK with that - because even though St. Patrick is an icon for the Irish, he may have really been born in Italy. Let"s just say he has dual sainthood.

Stuffed Baked Cabbage Leaves

Serves 4

cup farro1 head Savoy cabbage (about 2 1/4 pounds), washed1 small onion, minced1 large garlic clove, minced1 pound ground beef or half ground beef and half pork1 egg, slightly beaten cup grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese plus extra for sprinkling up minced fresh parsley teaspoon paprika1 teaspoons salt teaspoon ground black pepper2 tablespoons minced fresh sage pound prosciutto di Parma thinly sliced and cut in half crosswise

2 cups tomato sauce

Soak the farro in 1 cup water for a couple of hours or overnight. When ready to use drain off the water.Cook the farro in 1 1/2 cups of boiling water until it is tender. Drain and transfer it to medium size bowl.Core around the cabbage and remove 10 large leaves. Reserve the rest for another use such as soup.Fill a large soup pot with water and bring it to a boil. Add 1 tablespoon salt and the cabbage leaves. Cook for 2-3 minutes or just until the leaves wilt.Remove the leaves with a slotted spoon and let them cool.Meanwhile add the onion, ground meat, egg, grated cheese, parsley, paprika, salt, pepper and sage to the bowl with the farro. Combine all the ingredients just until mixed.Lay out each cabbage leaf on a cutting board and with a small knife remove the lower 1-inch or so tough part of the central vein of the cabbage leaves because it makes it easier to roll up the leaves into bundles.Place a couple of slices of the prosciutto on each leaf and top with a generous 1/3 cup of the meat mixture in the center and then roll the leaf up, folding in the sides, to form a bundle.After making all the bundles, spread a thin layer of tomato sauce in the base of a 9 x 13 x 2 inch casserole dish.Place the bundles seam side down in the casserole and top with the remaining tomato sauce. Sprinkle the tops with additional cheese.Cover with foil and bake for 35 minutes. Uncover and bake 5 minutes longer. Serve hot with some of the sauce.


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