Friday, April 10, 2015

Princeton Students Protest Rapper Big Sean for Promoting Rape Culture

Big Sean Threatens Justin Bieber For Pushin Up On Ariana Grande During Concert

Princeton University students are mounting aprotest against a performance by rapper Big Sean, who is scheduled to headline "Lawn Parties," anoutdoor festival on campus in the Spring, citing the musician for"promoting rape culture and misogyny."

Ina petition that asks the school"s student government to rescind theinvitation to the artist, juniorDuncan Hosie andseniorRebecca Balsaduawrite,"in the future, [the undergraduate student government]should strive to bring non-misogynistic acts to campus." Hosie and Balsadua told the Daily Princetonian that close to500 people have signed the petition.

Hosie said he saw a promotional video for the performance in which Big Sean rapped "stupid a*s b***h," became outraged, andtook to the Internet. After I saw that video, I started researching Big Seans language and I found language that was both misogynistic and homophobic, Hosie told the Princetonian. Balsadua said the university should have chosen another rapper.

Im sure every singer has a questionable song, but there are a significant amount of his songs that deal with this and I think there are a lot of other artists in the same genre even that would have been a better choice, she said. Hmm.

The studentssaid they were not responsible for fliers that popped up on campus urging students to protest the show.""If she look good, she pay me in s*x,"" read the fliers, quoting Big Sean"s song Dance (A$$) (hopefully the Nicki Minaj remix), adding: "Want to take this down? Take down Big Sean."

Big Seanis just the latest celebrityto face the ire of student activists. Recent offenders of the sensibility of college students include comedian Bill Maher, ChristineLagarde, the head of theInternational Monetary Fund, andAmerican Enterprise Institute fellow Ayaan Hirsi Ali, all of whom were the targets of protests after being picked to speak atcommencement ceremonies.

Gumption aside, it does not seem as if this particular crusade will work. The contracts are signed and its unrealistic to stop this from happening,said Simon Wu, the chairman of the student government"s social committee, in the Princetonian. Wu said the university may set up a panel at the Women"s Center to discussmisogyny in lyrics. For anyone at the festival looking to avoid being affected by Big Sean"s sexism, there"s always unlimited alcohol.

(Corrects spelling of Christine Lagarde"s name.)


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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Watch Jack Nicklaus" hole-in-one at Augusta National

Jack Nicklaus Hole in One 2015 (Par 3 Contest)

With six green jackets hanging in his closet, Jack Nicklaus has a accumulated a few magic moments at Augusta National Golf Club.

Add one more to the list.

Playing in the par-three contest that precedes the Masters, the 75-year-old Nicklaus made a hole-in-one off the No. 4 tee on Wednesday.

"I took an 8-iron, put [the ball] on the side of the hole, and kept saying, "C"mon, c"mon. c"mon,"" he told reporters. "And then the ball disappeared."

Nicklaus" iron shot landed past the flag, then spun slowly but surely back to the cup. As the crowd erupted, he traded high fives with his group -- he played with Ben Crenshaw and Gary Player -- then shook a fist in the air.

"I enjoy the par-three because I can actually play it because it"s not long," he said.

Follow David Wharton on Twitter @LATimesWharton Copyright 2015, Los Angeles Times


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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Jurors submit two questions to judge in Tsarnaev trial

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Found Guilty of Bombing Boston Marathon

The jurors weighing the case against admitted Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 12 people now the focus of the most highly watched trial in the citys history, met in secret for just over seven hours on Tuesday in their first day of deliberations and left without a verdict.

The jurors submitted two questions at the end of the day Tuesday, but US District Judge George A. OToole Jr. did not publicly disclose what they were. He plans to go over the questions Wednesday morning when the jury is slated to return and continue deliberating.

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Following closing arguments on Monday, OToole made an announcement that surely startled some of the 18 jurors who sat through 16 days of often graphic testimony: Only 12 of them will decide the case, so six were designated as alternates, who will not deliberate.

The 12 remaining include a legal secretary and a college student, a registered nurse, and an administrative assistant at a computer company. The alternates who will not deliberate are a bookstore clerk, air traffic controller, social worker, actuary, house painter, and salesman.

The six alternates, who had sat through the entire trial so far, are still required to return to court in case they are needed as replacements, but are now separated from the jurors who are deliberating.

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Evidence shows 3 months of planning

The alternates will also sit through the testimony and statements during the second phase of the trial in which the jurors will determine Tsarnaevs punishment.

But for now, jurors must determine Tsarnaevs guilt on 30 charges, 17 of which carry the possibility of the death penalty, for his role in setting off the bombs at the Boston Marathon finish line on April 15, 2013 that killed three people and injured more than 260, including 17 who lost limbs.

In spite of overwhelming media attention, each of the jurors told OToole before they were seated in early March that they could remain open-minded and weigh the evidence presented, and that they could hand out the death penalty if they find it is warranted.

Somebody... has to be held accountable in some regard for what happened, said Juror 83, who had taken a break in college classes and from his job at Best Buy to serve.

I am definitely open to either, he added. I hope [the punishment] serves the purpose of justice.

Reaching unanimous verdicts on the charges Tsarnaev faces might seem a quick task, considering he has already admitted through his lawyers that he took part in the bombings, the killing of an MIT police officer, and a gunfight with police in Watertown where an MBTA police officer was wounded and Tsarnaevs older brother was killed.

But legal analysts say that they expect the jurors, culled from a pool of 1,373 people and vetted in a process that lasted two months, to give the case thorough attention.

The 32-page verdict form that must be completed by the jury includes 30 counts, and several of those contain several sub-questions that ask whether Tsarnaevs actions caused injuries and deaths.

I think both parties in this case want a careful, thoughtful jury, said George Kendall, a New York lawyer who has handled hundreds of death penalty cases, including for the American Civil Liberties Union. I think the government feels very confident in its case in both phases, and I think the defense wants a responsible jury, a thoughtful jury. They dont want the jury taking any shortcuts this time and certainly not the next time.

Galina Davidoff, the director of jury consulting with Magna Legal Services, a litigation consulting firm, added that jurors may also take time simply talking about the case, especially if they followed instructions issued by OToole and did not discuss the case while the testimony was ongoing.

They need to talk about it; its an emotional case; they need to share; they need to get things off their chest, Davidoff said.

They can put those things aside later, but they need to say how they feel, she said.

The jurors will probably want to organize themselves and take a day to review the case before rendering a verdict, she said.

Jurors always take their job very seriously; it brings out the best in people and theyre trying to do the right thing and not rush the process, she said.

During the weeks-long vetting process, the jurors provided some biographical information to OToole, the lawyers and courtroom observers.

Juror 35, who sits in the first row in the seat closest to the judge, works for a state department of energy resources, and told OToole in March that he considers jury duty a civic obligation. Im honored to be eligible to serve, he said during the jury selection process.

Im committed to making my decision based on what you had said was all of the evidence in the case, he said.

Juror 41, a senior administrative assistant at a computer data company, told OToole, Im not one way for the death penalty; Im not one way against the death penalty. To me, I would have to hear the circumstances and the evidence.

Juror 102 is a registered nurse who said she planned to travel soon, but would be able serve on the panel before she left for her trip.

Juror 138 works for a local water department on the North Shore. Juror 229 consults as a social worker and said she can keep an open mind.

She said she felt that theres always so much more than what media coverage provides.

Juror 395 is a legal secretary and has taken copious notes throughout the trial.

Juror 349, who works in fashion product development, has cried several times during the testimony.

Juror 441 is a young man who recently was fired from his job as an auditor. He has looked closely at the video monitors as photos and video of the carnage has been played.

Juror 480 does telecommunications work for a local hospital. He was at work the day of the bombing and recalled, You could feel a buzz that something had happened.

Juror 286 lives in Boston and manages a restaurant north of the city. Being a manager, she said, she could hold someone accountable.

Milton J. Valencia can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @MiltonValencia.


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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Edward Snowden back in Fort Greene Park (sort of)

Edward Snowden: "If I end up in Guantánamo I can live with that" | Guardian Interviews

On Monday, a trio of artists/ activists installed a Edward Snowden statue in Fort Greene Park. It was swiftly removed by police and Parks Dept. officials.

Today, in its place, is a projection of the statue.

"No one can erase the voice of the people," reads a tweet by the art collective The Illuminator, which created the projection.

From their website, here is the stated purpose:

"Inspired by the actions of these anonymous artists, The Illuminator Art Collective recreated the intervention ephemerally by projecting an image of the sculpture into a cloud of smoke. Our feeling is that while the State may remove any material artifacts that speak in defiance against incumbent authoritarianism, the acts of resistance remain in the public consciousness. And it is in sharing that act of defiance that hope resides."

According to ANIMAL New York, which documented the installation of the sculpture on Monday, The Illuminator was borne out of Occupy Wall Street to "shed a literal light on the issues that plague the 99%."

On Monday the Parks Dept. explained why the sculpture was taken down.

The erection of any unapproved structure or artwork in a city park is illegal, they said in a statement.

Will a projection of an image be considered illegal too?


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Monday, April 6, 2015

Sabrina Rubin Erdely And Lara Logan: A Tale Of Two Reporters With Bad Sources

Journalist Sabrina Rubin Erdely Admits To Plagiarism, Faking Award-Winning College Story

After getting a "failed-all-basics" report card from Columbia Journalism School, Rolling Stone announced that its reporter Sabrina Rubin Erdely would face the punishment of ... nothing. Nor would her editors. No suspension, no firing, not even a promise from her editors not to use Erdely"s work again.

Much of the magazine"s statement rested, obviously enough, on Erdely being gulled by a bad source who led her to write an elaborate tale about gang rape at a fraternity house at the University of Virginia that has since proven entirely false. The editors even pointed the finger in the accuser"s direction as they made their mea culpa. But they continue to protect the liar"s identity.

That"s fine and dandy, but it doesn"t mean the issue could be boiled down to a bad source.

Consider how other reporters, such as CBS chief foreign correspondent Lara Logan, were treated when they got gulled by a bad source. After quoting a bad source in a 2013 story on Benghazi, Logan was raked over the coals by her editors, publicly suspended and then made a public apology. Her anonymous source, meanwhile, had his name exposed.

Which raises the question of the reasons for the discrepancy of the treatments.

We aren"t going to say that CBS necessarily has better journalistic standards than Rolling Stone, given the prestige of both organs in the journalism world. The more likely explanation is that Erdely"s blunder supported a narrative favored by the mainstream media that of predatory white frat boys out to rape women.

Logan"s story, on the other hand, was about Obama administration incompetence around the still-live issue of Benghazi, a topic that had already seen White House meddling into the news. One reporter got zero consequences. The other nearly got the boot.

We leave it to you to tell us that bias had no role here.


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Resurrection Means Nonviolence!

The Significance of This Years Resurrection Sunday, April 5th, 2015

For me, resurrection is everything. It"s the lynchpin of Christianity, the key to nonviolence, the hope we hold dear, and the possibility of a new world of peace. In other words, with the resurrection of the nonviolent Jesus, anything is possible, even the abolition of war, poverty, nuclear weapons and environmental destruction.

As a Christian, I"ve always believed that. Resurrection actually makes sense -- but only from a Gandhian/Kingian hermeneutic of nonviolence. If Jesus was the most active person of nonviolence in the history of the world, as Gandhi insisted, then it makes sense that after teaching and practicing nonviolence perfectly, and being brutally crushed and executed by the ruling authorities and empire, he would be raised to new life, that his way of nonviolence would be vindicated for all eternity.

What astonishes me the most is that he comes back without a trace of bitterness, resentment, hard feelings or vengeance. When he appears to his community, they rejoice, and he offers them his gift of peace. If possible, he is even more peaceful, more nonviolent. This peacemaking risen Christ sends them forth into world of war and violence on the journey of peace and nonviolence, and they take up the mission.

What does this mean for me, for us? As followers of the nonviolent Jesus, we want to welcome his resurrection gift of peace, and live in that peace for the rest of our lives. Resurrection means having nothing to do with death, and the metaphors of death -- war, nuclear weapons, corporate greed, environmental destruction and violence. The risen Jesus has not a drop of violence or death in him. As his followers, we too renounce violence and death, and live life to the full in the present moment of peace, hope and love.

In other words, resurrection means nonviolence!

As his followers, we try to practice that new life of peace by being as nonviolent as we can to ourselves, one another and all creation. We know with the risen Jesus that our survival is already guaranteed, so we choose not to live in fear, but to go forward in peace, hope and love, resisting the structures of nonviolence through Jesus" methodology of active nonviolence.

We refuse to kill or support war or build nuclear weapons or participate in systemic injustice and allow environmental destruction, hunger and poverty to continue. As people of resurrection nonviolence, we give our lives so that everyone can live in peace -- which means we join the global grassroots movements of nonviolence and do our part to help abolish war, poverty, nuclear weapons, the death penalty, environmental destruction and every type of violence, and to welcome a new culture of peace with nonviolence.

It"s this invitation to resurrection peace that pushes me. It challenges me to confront my fears, and sends me into the world on the mission to welcome G*d"s reign of peace and nonviolence. That mission has taken me into the war zones of the world, and to jail for acts of nonviolent civil disobedience against war.

It"s this spirit of resurrection peace that draws my friends and I to organize We hope to have hundreds of nonviolent actions across the country during the week of September 21st (International Peace Day) as we did last year, calling for the abolition of war, poverty and environmental destruction and a new culture of peace and nonviolence.

This August, we will gather for a national conference on nonviolence in Santa Fe, August 7-8. The day before, August 6, Hiroshima Day, and the day after, August 9, Nagasaki Day, we will gather in the park in downtown Los Alamos, New Mexico, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombings. We"ll gather on the exact spot where the bomb was built long ago, and repent of the ongoing development of our nuclear arsenal. If we dismantled our weapons, and spent those trillions of dollars to end poverty, war and environmental destruction, we could create a more nonviolent world for humanity.

This is the vision of resurrection peace. What we"re going to do, in other words, is get ready for resurrection. We"re not just practicing nonviolence; we"re practicing resurrection.

Nothing could be more exciting, or more important. Join us!


Rev. John Dear is a longtime peace activist, priest, and author of 30 books, including most recently, Walking the Way; Thomas Merton Peacemaker; The Nonviolent Life; and The Questions of Jesus. He is a coordinator of and the upcoming National Conference in Santa Fe, NM, Aug. 6-9th. See:


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Sunday, April 5, 2015

March Madness 2015: Final Bracket, NCAA Title Game Odds and Predictions

Rihanna - Live Your Life (March Madness Festival | LIVE)

Mike McGinnis/Getty Images

Duke and Wisconsin are set to face off for the 2015 NCAA tournament championship at Lucas Oil Stadium on Monday night (9:18 p.m. ET on CBS). Notably absent is Kentucky after its bid for a perfect season ended at the hands of the Badgers in the semifinals.

The two teams met back in early December. The Blue Devils managed to go out on the road and escape from the Kohl Center with an impressive 80-70 victory. A lot has changed since that point, however, and the rematch falls firmly in the toss-up category.

Let"s check out how the March Madness bracket looks now that the final two teams have been decided. That"s followed by the odds and predictions for the championship game.

2015 NCAA Tournament Bracket

March Madness Championship Odds

2015 NCAA Tournament Championship Game April 6 Duke vs. Wisconsin Even 140

Odds via Odds Shark

Predictions for Title Game

Champions: Wisconsin

Clearly, the odds set this up as an extremely evenly matched contest. It"s hard to argue. Both sides came into the tournament as No. 1 seeds in their respective regions, and in the rankings, Wisconsin is third and Duke is fourth.

The formula used by FiveThirtyEight also points toward a close game, with a slight edge to Wisconsin:

ESPN Stats & Info notes its BPI ranking has a little more confidence in the Badgers:

Even without the eye-popping level of talent on Kentucky"s roster, the title game still features its fair share of star power.

The main attraction will be Frank Kaminsky and Jahlil Okafor, probably the top two players in college basketball this season, going head-to-head. Frank the Tank handled the size and athleticism of the Wildcats tremendously in the last round, scoring 20 points and grabbing 11 rebounds.

Moreover, these are two players who are going to proverbially jump out of the gym. They are technically strong post players. Okafor is more polished on the interior and Kaminsky can better stretch a defense, but they both win with substance more than flash.

Mike Wise of spotlighted the battle:

The other matchup that will go a long way in deciding the champion is Sam Dekker against Justise Winslow.

Dekker has been on fire for the Badgers, connecting on 15 threes in the tournament. Winslow represents his toughest defensive foe, however. If the Duke freshman can limit those momentum-building shots from his counterpart, Wisconsin will likely struggle to find consistency on offense.

Which team is your pick in the 2015 title game?

Ultimately, no matter how you break things down, all signs point to a game that"s still up for grabs in the final minutes. Wisconsin showed what it"s capable of in crunch time against previously undefeated Kentucky. Duke hasn"t been tested to that extent in any of the previous tournament games.

In these toss-up situations, the safest route is usually siding with the best player on the floor. Not the one with the most natural talent. Not the best long-term NBA prospect. But the most effective college player at this point in his career.

That"s Kaminsky. The Badgers are the pick in what could be an instant classic.

Most Outstanding Player: Frank Kaminsky

If Wisconsin does win the championship, it"s hard to imagine somebody other than Kaminsky or Dekker taking home the MOP award. While it"s certainly been a collective team effort, they have been the driving force behind the run to the final.

Kaminsky"s story is a great one. In an era where one-and-done college players steal the spotlight and the obsession is normally focused on what a player can become rather than what he currently is, he"s gone through college the old-school way.

Who will win the Most Outstanding Player?

The Illinois native started as a little-used freshman averaging less than two points per game. He made slow and steady progress. He opted against entering the draft as the hype began to grow last season, and it paid off with his most complete season to date as a senior.

It"s a story worth pointing out to those thinking about making the jump early when perhaps they aren"t completely ready. Gaining more experience as a prominent player in college can really help the development process.

Jim Polzin of the Wisconsin State Journal passed along comments from Kaminsky before the Final Four about his path to this point and what it meant to be named the AP Player of the Year.

"It means a lot," Kaminsky said. "It"s been a long journey. It wasn"t easy at times, but I just believed in the process and believed in myself and had a lot of people who also believed in me. They really pushed me. My teammates really helped me by making me a better player every day in practice. I"ve just got to be thankful to all the people who helped me."

Now he"s one game away from ending his collegiate career on a perfect note. He could head home from Indianapolis with a lot more hardware for his resume.


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