Saturday, October 10, 2015

Raven-Symone of "The View": I wouldn"t hire someone named "Watermelondrea"

Raven-Symone says she won"t hire someone with an "Africanized" name

Raven-Symon of The View has come under fire after admitting she discriminates against ghetto names like Watermelondrea.

The host, whos given name is Raven-Symon Christina Pearman, made the comment while discussing a new study about racial bias toward black-sounding names.

She said its not racist to treat people different based on their names, its discriminatory, Mediaite reported.

And I am very discriminatory against words like the ones they were saying in those names, Ms. Symon said, referring to examples of names in the popular YouTube video Top 60 Ghetto Black names.

Im not about to hire you if your name is Watermelondrea. Its just not gonna happen. Im not gonna hire you, she said.

Her co-hosts did little to push back. Co-host Joy Behar added that white people often name their children after food Apple, Honey prompting her to suggest to parents they stop naming their children when theyre hungry, CNN reported.

Ms. Symons comment received backlash on social media and in opinion columns, with many people accusing the her of hypocrisy.

Raven seems to see no irony in supporting discrimination against non-traditional names while having a non traditional name AND appearance, one user wrote on Twitter.

Another tweeted, Raven-Symon name hits for the hood name cycle. It has two capital letters, a hyphen, alternative spelling choice, and an unnecessary accent.

In a column, titled Raven-Symon Rips Black Names, But Forgot About Her Own, EBONY Magazine senior writer Jamilah Lemieux pointed out the negative effects of dehumanizing people based on their names.

The whole world is trying to tear us apart and you want to discount the value of some other black person because she, TOO, has a black name, Raven hyphen alternate spelling of Simone? You got the nerve, Ms. Lemieux wrote.

We cant have a hierarchy of black names. You are either with your family, or you arent. Being named Naima or Aaliyah, Asha, or Imani, doesnt make you better or more sophisticated or more African than someone named Shatasha, and the people who are dumping Shatashas resume in the trash because of her name are happy to throw yours in there too, boo, Ms. Lemieux added. contributing editor Damon Young said Ms. Symon added insult to injury by using Watermelondrea as her hypothetical name choice.

Only a person who associates blackness with badness would choose to disparage black names and choose to throw a stereotypical reference in there, too. Which, again, is absurd, because neither having a black name or enjoying watermelon while black are bad things! he wrote in his column, Raven-Symon Doesnt Like Black-Sounding Names? How Ironic.


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Friday, October 9, 2015

Ral de Molina triste por la muerte de su maestro, Enrique Gratas

Entrevistas Exclusivas-Noticiero con Enrique Gratas

8 de Octubre, 2015 - 8:42 PM EDT

| Por Andrs Rubiano Ral de Molina triste por la muerte de su maestro, Enrique Gratas

Foto: Rodrigo Varela/Getty Images

Tras conocer la noticia de la muerte del reconocido periodista Enrique Gratas, Ral de Molina nos expres sentirse afligido por la partida de la persona a quien considera su maestro.

Es muy triste para m or que la persona de quin aprend todo de televisin falleci, nos comparti en conversacin la estrella del programa El gordo y la flaca. Aprend de l todo lo que s de televisin, agreg.

FOTOS: Los famosos que han muerto en este 2015

El comunicador argentino, quien se dio a conocer en el programa Ocurri as en los aos noventa, muri este jueves a sus 70 aos edad, por afecciones mdicas que an se desconocen.

Ya saba que estaba enfermo, haba hablado con su exesposa, le mand saludos hace das en m programa, revel Ral. Le doy gracias porque si no fuera por l yo no estara haciendo lo que hago el da de hoy.

FOTOS: Mira en qu andan los famosos

El Gordo, adems aadi que uno de los aspectos que ms resalta del legado que deja su amigo y maestro fue su batalla por los derechos de la comunidad latina. Fue uno de los hombres que ms luch por los derechos de los inmigrantes en los Estados Unidos, porque el viva para eso.


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Is There a Justin Bieber p***s Pic Double Standard at Play?

Skrillex and Diplo - "Where Are Ü Now" with Justin Bieber (Official Video)

So, Justin Bieber"s p***s***t the Internet yesterday...

And yet the sun set and we all lived to talk about it today. But Twitter was temporarily swept away in a cataclysmic cloud of just not knowing what to do with the 21-year-old heartthrob"s genitals making the rounds place once photos of him frolicking in the n**e in Bora Bora were obtained by the New York Daily News.

The NYDN of course did not post the pics without censoring Bieber"s bits, but yet there it was, his uncensored junk right at the top of our Twitter feeds thanks to someone who presumably felt that he or she was doing G*d"s work. Adam and Eve, you know? (Though even Adam is usually pictured with fig leaf...)

Anyway, many of the reactions were of the type you might expect, falling into several camps: There were those whose lives peaked on the spot. Then there were the snide, why-is-my-feed-full-of-Bieber"s-d**k responses. Similarly, there were others who just found the whole thing hilarious.

PHOTOS: Shirtless Justin Bieber

READ: Did LeBron James just flash his p***s during the NBA Finals?

And then there were those who benignly typed "Bieber" into their search fieldswe perhaps feel the worst for themand just weren"t ready to see such things.

But there were also many, many people rushing to Bieber"s defense in the wake of the leak, Beliebers worried for their boy"s privacy.

Some precious types even Photoshopped clothes onto the n***d pics that sported the name and release date of his next albumPurpose, Nov. 13.

And still others brought up an interesting question, though they might not have first noticed that not everyone was virtually hootin" and hollerin" about the big (yeah, sorry, pun intended) reveal: Was any positive reaction at all actually evidence of a disturbing double standard?

As in, women are put through the ringer when they voluntarily flaunt their bods and Bieber"s free-balling ways are being applauded. And, on the flip side, why was Bieber fair game in this case at all?

Let"s put it this way: We"re dealing in apples and oranges. Or apples and bananas, if you will.

Publications that hold themselves to certain standards usually seek the advice of counsel in such matters, and whether or not Bieber intended for anyone other than his sunbathing companionmodel Jayde Pierceto see him n***d at the time does not necessarily mean that he was in a place where he couldn"t expect others to get a glimpse.

But then of course you always have to consider who and what exactly it is that you"re dealing with. The Internet has proven that there"s basically an interest in everything, no matter how vile, so just because the public might want to know or see, that doesn"t mean you have to oblige.

PHOTOS: Miley Cyrus" n***d (and nearly n***d) pics

A photographer took and sold pictures of a t*****s Kate Middleton while she was sunning herself at a private estate, thereby committing a crime per the law of the landa scenario cloaked in red flag and distaste. Major celebrities such as Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johansson and Christina Aguilera have had their clouds and phones hacked and n**e pictures that they absolutely should have been able to consider private were stolen from them. About as distasteful as it gets and, once again, crimes were committed.

But whatever you think of the Bieber photos and how they were taken, this situation is not the same as those instances, for multiple reasons.

And anyone who thinks that Kate, J.Law, ScarJo or Xtina brought the photo scandals upon themselves can suck it, because crimes were committed in the obtaining ofthose pictures. They were not complicit in the process.

So what sort of situation are we dealing with here, then?

To different extents, all of the ladies mentioned above live fiercely more private lives than Bieber does. Which also doesn"t mean that he doesn"t deserve privacy when he wants it; the point is that more times than not he willingly has let the outside in.

However, just as no one should get on a female celebrity"s case for n**e sunbathing or for having snapped a pic to show her boyfriend (that some creep later stole), no one should shame Bieber for walking around in the buff on his vacation. He was just livin" life.

And in this particular case, his fans also shouldn"t get themselves into a twist worrying about him all of a sudden getting too much exposure.

READ: The best response to Lenny Kravitz accidentally flashing his p***s mid-concert was easily...

While everyone and their aunt has an opinion about the Bieber pics, one person we haven"t heard from is Bieber himself. One, he"s seen his p***s before, so no big deal there. Two, if he didn"t learn that everyone wants a piece of him after a Brazilian girl filmed him sleeping and slapped that video online, it"s highly likely that he just doesn"t care. He"s been willingly on video smoking, drinking and engaging in other normal yet bad-boy-"cause-he"s-a-celebrity behavior. How many down-to-the-pubic-bone shirtless pics had we already seen of him?

Though he"s had his concerns about the bad-boy perception of him, he doesn"t seem to mind attention. (And like any healthy 21-year-old man-child, he probably has quite the affinity for his own junk.)

Bieber may still be young, but he"s a grown man and, contrary to what some haters may say, he"s no dummy. There"s even a wee bit of speculation out there that he knew exactly what he was doing...

Either way, though, just like in a court of law, each case has to be considered on its merit or lack thereof. No one should be blamed/shamed for being the victim of a crime (as, unfortunately, certain critics implied regarding J.Law, et al.) and Bieber shouldn"t be judged if he expected one thing and got another or if he"s fine being photographed n***d.

And people, even celebrities, should ideally feel free to live their lives as if no one"s watching. But they know all too well that that simply isn"t the case.

PHOTOS: Justin Bieber on social media



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Good Morning: "Go, Cubs, Go" in honor of Aunt Hattie

2013 Chicago Cubs Schedule Breakdown
My mother, Helen, and her twin sister, Hattie, were lifelong Cub fans. My mom died young but Aunt Hattie went on to celebrate 103.5 years. She always believed in the Chicago Cubs even though she never lived in Illinois and lived in Arizona the last 13 years of her life.When she turned 100 we flew down to celebrate her birthday with all her other family and friends. Weeks before we left I happened to look at the Cubs" schedule and realized that they would be playing on the afternoon of her party. Hattie did not miss a game.I figured maybe I could get the Cubbies to recognize her during the game and if not I would only be out my time and effort. So I started digging and found someone to call. I explained the situation and said she never misses a game and knows all the statistics. The young lady on the phone said, Let me take your name and number and see what I can do.She called me back later and said, OK, I need the exact spelling of your aunts name and we will put it on the big screen during the game, wishing her a happy 100th birthday. But I would like to send you the picture of what it will look like just in case she misses it with all the activities that day. We will put it up early and I will snap a shot and mail it to you. I explained time was short; I was flying out in a couple of days. She made it happen.So at Aunt Hatties party, while the rest of us ate cake and ice cream, Aunt Hattie sat in front of the TV, not talking to anyone, and wore her Cubs jersey over her birthday dress and watched the Cubs.When she opened her framed present that said, "Happy 100th Birthday Hattie Watson from the Chicago Cubs," she was thrilled. She had her picture taken with the sign, not her cake.Aunt Hattie had four children and her middle son said, Mom, when youre gone, the rest of the kids can have everything, I just want that framed sign. He, too, is a Cubs fan but lives in Texas.So for Aunt Hattie and my moms sake, I hope the Cubbies go far this year.Ann Young hopes they keep winning.


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Thursday, October 8, 2015

Want Cubs playoff tickets? Gas up the car.

Donnie Baker Rant About the Cubs, Donald Trump and the End of Times!

As Wednesday"s Cubs win sinks in, the first logical question for fans is how to get tickets to the next round versus archrival the St. Louis Cardinals.

A better question might be: Are you willing to take a road trip?

The time has passed for Cubs season-ticket holders to purchase postseason tickets for eight possible home games at Wrigley Field.

So, too, has the registration to enter a drawing that offers a chance to buy tickets to the National League Division Series between the Cubs and Cardinals, which begins Friday. Those lottery winners received an email after last night"s game, according to Cubs spokeswoman Alyson Cohen.

That leaves the rest of the Cubs faithful at the mercy of secondhand ticket sellers for the hot matchup.

"We"re already seeing a ton of sales. I don"t see why this couldn"t be the highest-selling series for the postseason," StubHub spokesman Cameron Papp said Thursday.

As of Thursday morning, the average ticket price for Game 3, the first Cubs home game, was $450, according to Papp.

Prices started at $280 and that was for a standing room-only ticket. The cheapest seat was $324 in the left field upper deck.

But a 4 1/2-hour drive down Interstate 55 to St. Louis this weekend for the first two road games could save you quite a bit of cash, Papp said.

The average ticket price at Busch Stadium is $140 for Game 1 at 5:30 p.m. Friday. The least expensive Game 1 ticket was standing room-only, at $115, while a right field terrace seat cost $148, according to StubHub.

"It"s definitely a cheaper deal," Papp said. "The Cubs have a big fan base and haven"t seen success like this in a while, and Cardinals fans are a kind of used to this."


StubHub ticket sales are showing that Cubs fans may already be taking advantage of cheaper prices in their rival"s stadium. By Thursday morning, more customers from Illinois were buying tickets to Game 1 in St. Louis than fans from Missouri, at 36 percent to 35 percent. However, it"s impossible to know how many of those Illinois buyers are Cardinals fans.

For Cubs fans unwilling to go behind enemy lines, there are other options.

Outside of Wrigley Field, there are rooftops bleacher seats available that have sightlines into the ballpark.

Stacey Loukas, director of sales at Wrigleyville Rooftops, said the company is selling tickets for $300 that include food and beverage options for both Cubs home games. So far, Wrigleyville Rooftops has sold about 500 tickets at its seven rooftop locations, each of which accommodates 200 people. After Wednesday"s Cubs win, the company"s rooftop at 1032 S. Waveland Ave., a customer favorite with views over left field, sold out, Loukas said.

The other option takes a little bit more confidence.

Fans who believe that the Cubs will advance can register for the drawing to buy tickets to the National League Championship Series until noon Thursday, and for the World Series until Oct. 16.

Meanwhile, officials from the Better Business Bureau are warning people to watch out for scammers selling fake tickets.

"Cubs fans have waited many years for a postseason opportunity," Steve Bernas, CEO of the bureau"s local office, said in a statement Thursday. "We don"t want their excitement to be spoiled by losing money with fake tickets or poor merchandise."

The organization advises fans to check for an official hologram and license to avoid bogus tickets. When buying online, it"s better to buy with reputable ticket brokers on licensed sites, and avoid those that may contain clumsy English translations, as foreign counterfeiters are common culprits.

Credit cards can often be a safeguard against scams as customers can dispute a charge before they pay.

Twitter @_tonybriscoe


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Laufenberg: Why the Cowboys should limit the number of snaps Greg Hardy gets ...

Fox Sports feature - Greg Hardy is....The Kraken

Babe Laufenberg, Dallas Cowboys radio color analyst and former NFL quarterback, answered questions in a chat Wednesday. Here are some highlights.

Question: We all know the Pats" offense is a force, but their defense seems vulnerable. How would you attack NE if you were Jason Garrett?

Babe Laufenberg: I would videotape their practices...and pray. A lot.

Question: Do you like the idea of starting McFadden or Michael and bringing in Randle as the change-of-pace back. I know he"s no Dunbar.

Babe Laufenberg: I like the idea of starting McFadden. He is more of the downhill runner that I believe this offense functions best with. They have a power running game, not a bunch of trapping and pulling by their linemen. Then spot Randle in the game as you see fit.

Question: What can we expect from Greg Hardy on Sunday? Do you think he can be his disruptive self after not having played in 2015?

Babe Laufenberg: It has been a long layoff for Hardy. However, he was able to go though a training camp, so that will help. No question he is an elite pass rusher, or at least was. In the two years before last year"s suspension, he was fifth in the NFL in sacks in the combined 2012 and 2013 seasons (26). The bigger question is, how many plays will he be good for? 30? 35? Don"t see him taking many more snaps than that. And always worry about injuries after a player has had a prolonged absence. Reducing his play this week will reduce that risk.

Question: The Cowboys are going to have to score a bunch to keep up with the Pats. Do you think Weeden"s improved play vs. Saints might allow Dallas to be more wide open on offense?

Babe Laufenberg: I think the worst thing you can do is decide before the game that you will need to score 50 points. The games kick off, and then they take on a life of their own. Green Bay was held to 17 points by SF on Sunday. Seattle scored 13 on Monday. I am not a big fan of "limiting the other team"s possessions," but I do think the fewer possessions New England has the football, the better the chances for a Dallas win.

Question: Who is deciding not throw downfield (except on a final comeback drive) - Linehan or Weeden?

Babe Laufenberg: Don"t confuse the Saints game with the Atlanta game. Cowboys had a deep shot to Terrance Williams early, then hit Brice Butler for a big one later. The Cowboys WRs are just not guys who are going to line up in press coverage and beat you on a consistent basis. Did a very poor job of getting away from press/man coverage vs New Orleans. Have to take your shots occasionally, but until Dez Bryant returns, this will be a vertically challenged team in the passing game.


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Suspension over, Cowboys DE Greg Hardy meets the media; here"s what we found out

Gosselin: What can we expect to see out of Cowboys DE Greg Hardy?

Hardy"s hot wives comments and reaction

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Reaction tosigning with Dallas

Greg Hardy:"I don"t care if [you] like me; happy to have an opportunity"

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Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings: "This was a shot in the gut"

WFAA-TV"s Dale Hansen: Jason Garrett a fraud or puppet

Jerry Jones: Cowboys spent "great deal of study" to Greg Hardy"s past

Panthers owner says he made call to let Greg Hardy go: "We do the right things"

RickGosselin: Cowboys" signing of Greg Hardy reeks of desperation

Jacquielynn Floyd: Wish Cowboys had taken a pass on Greg Hardy

Dallas Cowboys are Americas Team of free passes to troubled players

Domestic abuse is awful, but Greg Hardy deserves a second chance

Sounding Off: Collin County readers tell us if signing Greg Hardy has changed their opinion of Cowboys

Still talking: What columnists, players, VIPs are saying about Greg Hardy

Moore: In vetting Greg Hardy, Cowboys went all the way back to player"s teenage years

Troy Aikman: No matter what they say, the Cowboys see Greg Hardy as a pass rusher

Hansen on Hardy critique: My wife thinks I went too far

Cuban defends Hardy signing, but Cowboys mishandled it

Cowboys" Charlotte Jones Anderson on Greg Hardy: "We don"t believe in throwing people away"

Sharon Grigsby: Only way to protest Cowboys" hire is to quit watching, but we wont

Information you need to know

Breaking down Greg Hardy"s deal with Cowboys

10 things you might not know about DE Greg Hardy: Can he beat LeBron 1-on-1?

The Hardy file

Career stats | Tumultuous timeline | Wire news

10 things you might not know about new Cowboy Greg Hardy

Dallas Crimes Against Women groups discuss Cowboys" interest in Greg Hardy

Ex-teammate describes Hardy as "nightmare" for opponents but sometimes "unmanageable"

The lighter side of Greg Hardy

Video: Greg Hardy says he deserves award for his Cowboys golf tournament play

On Twitter:@BabeLaufenberg


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McDonald"s Breakfast Now All Day In The Northland

McDonalds Offers Breakfast All Day

McDonald"s is now officially serving breakfast all day and every day at all Northland locations.

The general manager at the Tower Avenue location in Superior says breakfast all the time has been the No. 1 customer request.

"It"s good to be able to finally give the customers what they want at changeover. Theres no turning people away, said Paula Tomlinson, general manager in Superior.

And in select locations youll be able to customize your order to create something like egg on your burger.


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