Sunday, December 13, 2015

Golden Globe nominations: Box office champs and movies with female ...

2016 Golden Globe Nominations Announced Live

Now that the Golden Globe nominees have been announced, films like Carol and Spotlight have cemented themselves as awards season frontrunners, while movies like Mad Max: Fury Road have had their awards season chances boosted by snagging major nods.

The nod for Max in the prestigious best drama category is a nomination for a mainstream movie rather than a little-seen indie Max was one of the biggest box office success stories of the year.

Meanwhile, the movies Carol, Max, and Room show the continued presence of female-led movies this awards season, something that is not always the case. Carol centers on the relationship between two women, while Room is the story of a woman and her son who are kept imprisoned. Max was praised by many for its strong female character, portrayed by Charlize Theron.

The Hollywood Foreign Press Association splits movies into drama and comedy or musical categories. The movies that are contenders for the best drama prize are Carol, Spotlight, Room, The Revenant, and Mad Max: Fury Road.

Nominees for the best musical or comedy prize are Joy, The Martian, The Big Short, Spy, and Trainwreck.

Max had been selected as the best film of the year by the National Board of Review but was still viewed as more of a long shot for the Oscars than, say, Spotlight because action movies arent often nominated for, let alone win, the Best Picture prize. But the chances of Max appearing as a Best Picture nominee have certainly increased with the Golden Globes recognition.

Those behind Joy and The Martian, movies which had missed out on earlier nods like those by the Screen Actors Guild Awards, are no doubt happy to see the movies appear as best comedy or musical nominees. However, because the HFPA nominates movies in two categories, not all these movies will get a nod for Best Picture. Chances seem extremely slim, for example, that Spy or Trainwreck will appear on the Oscar Best Picture ballot.

As for the movie acting races, Bryan Cranston was nominated for Trumbo in the best actor in a drama category, as were Leonardo DiCaprio for The Revenant, Michael Fassbender for Steve Jobs, Will Smith for Concussion, and Eddie Redmayne for The Danish Girl. This is almost the exact same list that was named by the SAG Awards now Smith and Johnny Depp, who was nominated by the SAG Awards for Black Mass, may be vying for the last slot in this category for the Oscars.

The list for the best actress in a drama race was a bit different than that for the SAG Awards. Cate Blanchett was nominated for Carol, as was Saoirse Ronan for Brooklyn, Rooney Mara for "Carol," Alicia Vikander for "The Danish Girl," and Brie Larson for Room." For the SAG Awards, Carol actress Mara and Girl actress Alicia Vikander were nominated in the supporting category, but those behind the Globes put them in the lead actress category.

As for the comedy/musical acting races, the contenders for the best actor in a comedy or musical prize are "The Big Short" actors Christian Bale and Steve Carell, Al Pacino of "Danny Collins," Matt Damon in "The Martian," and Mark Ruffalo in "Infinitely Polar Bear." The actress contenders for a comedy or musical are "Trainwreck" actress Amy Schumer, Maggie Smith of "The Lady in the Van," "Grandma" actress Lily Tomlin, Jennifer Lawrence in "Joy," and "Spy" actress Melissa McCarthy.

For the Globes, the best supporting actor race for drama, musicals, and comedy are combined. For best supporting actress, Kate Winslet was nominated for Steve Jobs, as were Vikander for Ex Machina, Jennifer Jason Leigh for The Hateful Eight, Helen Mirren for Trumbo, and Jane Fonda for Youth.

Other than Winslet, the nominees in this category were completely different than those for the SAG Awards. Vikander was nominated in the SAG category but for a different movie (The Danish Girl), and Leigh and Fonda were nowhere to be seen. Rachel McAdams was nominated for a SAG Award for Spotlight but is missing for the Globes.

Those who earned nods in the best supporting actor category were Idris Elba for Beasts of No Nation, Mark Rylance for Bridge of Spies, Michael Shannon for 99 Homes, Sylvester Stallone for Creed, and Paul Dano for Love and Mercy.

Elba, Rylance, and Shannon seem like sure things for this race after receiving SAG and Golden Globes nods, while Stallone and Danos nods are crucial after having missed out on a SAG nomination.


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Saturday, December 12, 2015

How Serial Season 2"s Snazzy Sound Design Drives Home Its Big Themes

Bowe Bergdahl takes center stage in Season 2 of ‘Serial’

Serial podcast

In a narrative medium like a podcast, music is rarely the main event; it enriches, complicates, or maybe just co-exists with the spoken story. But with Serial, particularly in Season 2, the music represents a lot more than emotional tone-setting. This seasonabout the controversy surrounding Bowe Berghdal, an American soldier who disappeared from his Afghanistan post under mysterious circumstanceswill likely have a lot to say about the interaction of individuals and huge, impersonal systems. And so far, its sound effects are helping to underscore the way unseen institutional forces often inform human livesand the way big structures are made up of human beings.

Katy Waldman is Slates words correspondent.

This season, the theme music is different: Vulture has a smart interview with composer Nick Thorburn enumerating some of the changes, but the biggest surprise, for me, was the horn weaving across what Sarah Larson has called the original songs plink-plink-plink charm. I think the new version is catchy and great. It evokes Homelands famous opening sequence, which feels thematically apt for a podcast about the war on terror, and the saturnine-yet-military quality of the trumpet adds depth to the playfully chromatic piano.

But most notable is the way Serials second season, thus far, crackles with incidental aural detail, little lifelike flourishes that make the story seem authentic. Playing snippets of Berghdals recorded conversations with filmmaker Mark Boal (they total about 25 hours of rangy and raw audio), Sarah Koenig draws our attention to peripheral noises: the sound of the microwave beeping as Boal fixes a snack, the bark and scuffle of his dog. This ambient needlepointing is meant to communicate intimacy, to remind us that the characters were encountering are real people. Likewise, the episode opens with Koenig describing video footage of the Taliban releasing Berghdal in exchange for five Guantanamo Bay prisoners. First, we hear only her voice. Theres a silver truck and some scrubby desert. Black Hawk helicopters circle above. The music kicks in when we get our first look at the human being, Berghdal, at the center of the rendezvous. Tense, slow, and uncertain, a wash of foggy sound seems to mirror his state of mind as he blinkshis eyes are bothering him. He looks up at the machines in the sky, and the piano melody climbs a few notes, following his gaze. In the midst of a sensitive, high-stakes geopolitical operation, Serials music suggests a human consciousness at work.

Later, a sad bass melody creeps into the accompaniment when we hear Berghdals voice for the first time. Hes asking the president and the country to bring him home.

As the music invokes the humanity hiding within a vast and anonymous conflict, it can also be a backdrop to interviews and testimonies, never allowing us to forget that personal stories exist alongside and on top of bigger forces. The most emotionally powerful part of the show gets no accompaniment. Its just Berghdal talking about what its like to be imprisoned in a pitch black room.

Theres times when Id wake up and its just so dark. I would wake up not even remembering like what I was. You know how you get that feeling when that word is on the tip of your tongue? That happened to me only it was like, what am I? . Its like youre standing there screaming in your mind, in this blackened dirt room thats tiny. And just on the other side of that flimsy door that you could probably rip off its hinges, is the entire world out there. It is everything that youre missing. Everyone is out there.

His voice in our ears, his imagery in our minds, is all we have. Its an incredibly claustrophobic moment in which were forced to wrestle with the most humanistic and existential questions imaginable: What is a person? What is a life? And then Sarah Koenig picks up the narration to explain what waits on the other side of that flimsy door. She talks about the whirlwind of people and systems that circled Bowes disappearance, from his parents and community back home to debriefers at Guantanamo Bay, the State Department, and the White House. As she talks, the music wakes up. Faster in tempo, gaining complexity, it conjures a cosmos of interlocking parts. Berghdal may feel alone, but hes not.

Slate"s Serial Spoiler Special, which drops every Thursday evening ET, will keep you up to date on Serial"s second season. Subscribe here.


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Friday, December 11, 2015

Dec. 9, birthdays for Kirsten Gillibrand, Kirk Douglas, Judi Dench

The Way West 1967 Kirk Douglas Robert Mitchum Full Length Western Movie

Greetings, Brooklyn. Today is the 343rd day of the year.

ON THIS DAY IN 1919, the Brooklyn Daily Eagle published an article titled Strike Paralyzes Harbor Traffic; Ferries Tied Up.

The article focused on an extreme harbor strike among the boroughs, which delayed the mail and threatened a food crisis.

The greatest harbor strike in the history of the city went into effect as scheduled at 6 oclock this morning when 15,000 harbor men left their jobs, tying up virtually all the ferries, steam lighters, tow boats, coal barges, grain boats, steam holsters and other craft, the Eagle reported.


NOTABLE PEOPLE born on this day include singer and songwriter Joan Armatrading, who was born in 1950; actress Reiko Aylesworth, who was born in 1972; Emmy Award-winning actor Beau Bridges, who was born in 1941; Hall of Fame football player d**k Butkus, who was born in 1942; Oscar Award-winning actress Judi Dench, who was born in 1934; TV personality Kara DioGuardi, who was born in 1970; actor Kirk Douglas, who was born in 1916; actor Simon Helberg, who was born in 1980; U.S. Sen. Kristen Gillibrand, who was born in 1966; actor David Anthony Higgins, who was born in 1961; actress Felicity Huffman, who was born in 1962; golfer Tom Kite Jr., who was born in 1949; actor Joe Lando, who was born in 1961; actor John Malkovich, who was born in 1953; Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroney, who was born in 1995; actress Dina Merrill, who was born in New York City in 1925; actor Jesse Metcalfe, who was born in 1978; actor Michael Nouri, who was born in 1945; singer and actor Donny Osmond, who was born in 1957; and actor d**k Van Patten, who was born in 1928.


JOHN MILTON was born on this day in 1608. An English poet, historian, civil servant and defender of freedom of the press, Milton is considered one of the greatest poets of the English language. Author of Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, he died from gout in November of 1674 in London. No man who knows aught, he wrote, can be so stupid to deny that all men naturally were born free.


Special thanks to Chases Calendar of Events and Brooklyn Public Library.


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American Christians could take a lesson from Angela Merkel (COMMENTARY)

Angela Merkel is TIME"s 2015 Person Of The Year | Chancellor Of The Free World

German Chancellor Angela Merkel attends the weekly Cabinet meeting at the Chancellery in Berlin on Dec. 1, 2015. Photo courtesy of REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch*Editors: This photo may only be republished with RNS-MERKEL-FAITH, originally transmitted on Dec. 10, 2015.

This image is available for web and print publication. For questions, contact Sally Morrow.

(RNS) Time magazines 2015 Person of the Year is a self-identified evangelical, but not one of the many running for president of the United States. While the dynamics of faith and politics are different in Europe, German leader Angela Merkel is an example of a conservative Christian living out her faith in the public square quite differently than we see in the U.S.

Time, which calls her Chancellor of the Free World, characterizes her strong leadership of economic and political crises in Europe as no flair, no flourishes, no charisma, just a survivors sharp sense of power and a scientists devotion to data. She may be a quantum chemist, but shes also an evangelical Lutheran preachers kid with an unwavering faith.

READ: Americans fear terrorism, mass shootings and often Muslims as well

The chancellor has described her personal faith in several interviews. The structure of the world relating to belief is a framework for my life that I consider very important, she said in one.I believe in G*d, and religion is also my constant companion, and has been for the whole of my life, she told a theology student during a video interview in 2012. She kept her faith mostly quiet up until that point, which is understandable given the rising secularization of Germany.

She has held firm to her socially conservative belief that marriage is the sacred union of one man and one woman. (She has also voted against abortion rights.) But unlike American evangelicals, she has strongly favored anti-discrimination legislation. Wherever we still find discrimination, we will continue to dismantle it, she told influential YouTube star Florian Mundt.

Merkels faith-based leadership stands in stark contrast to her Christian conservative cousins in the United States.

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Her shift on social issues has upset the more extremist faction within her Christian Democratic Unionparty, according to the New Republic.She angered right-wing Catholics on issues such as gay rights, abortion, stem cell research and the family. And in the process, she opened up the prim party to other kinds of conservatives, even ones who happened to be single mothers, gay, or from another country.

But she wasnt named Times Person of the Year for her stances on domestic social issues. She received the honor, according to Time editor Nancy Gibbs, because Merkel brandished a different set of values humanity, generosity, tolerance to demonstrate how Germanys great strength could be used to save, rather than destroy. Thats been on display nowhere more than her advocacy for religious tolerance in light of terrorism and the Syrian refugee crisis.

That advocacyis rooted in her own faith. We all have the opportunity and the freedom to have our religion, to practice it and to believe in it, she has said. I would like to see more people who have the courage to say I am a Christian believer, and more people who have the courage to enter into a dialogue.

Religious intolerance cant be the overwhelming guide to public policy. Fear was never a good adviser,she said.Cultures that are marked by fear will not conquer their future.

And her stance is unequivocal. Every exclusion of Muslims in Germany, every general suspicion is forbidden, she said recently. We will not let ourselves be divided. That faith sets her apart from Christian conservative politicians in the United States, where fear dominates and the worst parts of the American psyche are stoked.

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She has good advice for defensive and fearful Germans who are engaging this topic: Go back to church. She suggests that in light of the debate about Islam, people return to the tradition of attending a church service now and then, and having some biblical foundations. She says this debate could lead us (to)deal again with our own roots and to know them better. Thats good advice for American Christians as well. For Americans, both constitutional and Christian foundations call for religious freedom. Going back to church would, in no uncertain terms, undermine the calls for religious vetting of immigrants.

Time has named an evangelical Person of the Year, perhaps just the evangelical that the United States and the world needs.

(Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons writes about faith and public policy. From 2011 to 2015, he worked at the National Immigration Forum mobilizing Christians to advocate for the value of immigrants and immigration to America. Follow him at @guthriegf)


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"The Flash" And "Arrow": Crossover Ratings Hits High, "Supergirl" Crossover ...

the flash 2x09 ending scene iris, joe meets Wally West

The Flash and Arrow are both coming off their massive CW crossover event that actually managed to surpass their last crossover event. According to Variety, The Flash/Arrow crossover event for this season not only put the shows at the highest in their time slots, but also managed to surpass The Flash and Arrow crossover from last year. This seasons crossover earned a 1.6 in the Nielson ratings, which was up from The Flash/Arrow crossover last year, which was a 1.4. Sadly though, The Flash/Arrow crossover merely brought two more Legends of Tomorrow characters under the Arrowverse, but did not quite kick off the new CW comic book adaptation series.

The Flash/Supergirl crossover, also known as the current comic book TV rumor that wont die, is being discussed by the showrunners of the The Flash, Arrow, and of course Supergirl, yet again. Supergirl just recently picked up her back nine episodes to complete the shows first season. The rumor that circulated was that if Supergirl was picked up for a whole season, it would greenlight a crossover with the Arrowverse. More specifically, it was allegedly going to kick start a Supergirl/The Flash crossover event or episode. Producer Greg Berlanti, according to the Inquisitr, optimistically shot down the rumors as too soon.

Image Via Supergirl season 1 trailer| Courtesy Of CBS |Cropped and Resized

Comicbook reports that it was Arrow/The Flash/Supergirl producer Andrew Kreisbergs turn. Kreisbergs answers about a future Supergirl/The Flash crossover event were far less optimistic, and do not look good for the DC Comics mashup.

Theres always those late nights, delirious, semi-high on pizza where youre like, You know what would be really cool? If ,but right now there is no legitimate actual plan to bring [The Flashs] Cisco [Carlos Valdes] onto Supergirl or to bring [Supergirls] Winn [Jeremy Jordan] onto Legends [of Tomorrow]. First of all, we dont even know if we could, legally. And quite frankly, just making the Arrow-verse, which is what we call Legends, Flash and Arrow work and then making Supergirl work, its enough of a challenge without having to add a fourth player.

Supergirl may not be meeting Cisco anytime soon, nor The Flash in a crossover event, but Cisco will be on Legends of Tomorrow. Though the exact nature of his role is unknown, he has made quite the connection with Hawkgirl.

Velocity 6 helped Jay Garrick temporarily regain his speed just in time to save Earth-2 Dr. Harrison Wells. The Flash showrunner Andrew Kreisberg confirmed that it will be the precursor to the famous Velocity 9 formula from the DC Comics universe, but how it will get from 6 to 9, is a little less clear.

If youre a fan of the comics, you know that a big part is Velocity 9, and today you met Velocity 6. Its safe to say that there will be a few more iterations of that formula. How it plays out, and how it works, and who uses it, and the effects that it has, thats something youll have to watch.

Velocity 9 is important to the overall universe for The Flash, but even more important is Wally West, also known as Kid Flash or the third titular Flash. The final first look of Wally West/The Flash (or Kid Flash) has been released, and here it is.

Image Via The Flash Episode Running to Stand Still| Courtesy Of Katie Yu/The CW |Resized

Wally West is not here yet, but the good news is he will be in the very next episode of The Flash on Tuesday, and will also feature the return of The Trickster. The Flash season 2 is chock full of characters, Earths, and enough villains to cause plenty of mayhem. The Flash question that is the largest unanswered conundrum has yet to be answered: who is Zoom?

[Image Via TheFlash/Arrow Crossover Screenshot| Courtesy Of CW |Cropped and Resized]


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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Kate Gosselin "Can"t Deal" with Her Oldest Kids Flirting

Kate Gosselin"s "Disgusting" Seafood Dinner | Kate Plus 8

On the Season 4 premiere of Kate Plus 8, the whole gang packed up their things and went to Florida for a little rest and relaxation. While on a trip to the beach, Kate noticed that the her 15-year-old twins, Mady and Cara, were flirting with some boys. And this did not go over too well with Kate, who said, I looked up because I was horrified because they were stopped and they were talking and I was like, I cant deal with it.

The twin girls, however, seemed to think it was a relatively harmless interaction with some boys. Mady explained the situation: So we were standing there waiting to leave and these boys came over and they were like, What are they filming over there? and I was like, A show, and they were like, What show? and I was like, Kate Plus 8. And I was like, If you wanna see more of this, like watch it.

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"The Flash" Season 2 Spoilers: Will Grant Gustin"s Barry Allen Have Wally West ...

The Flash’ Season 2: Wally West, Jay Garrick & ZOOM Confirmed

(Photo : Joshua Blanchard/Getty)

The CW network continues with Season 2of The Flash. After his confrontation with Zoom(voiced by Tony Todd), does Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) have the strength to solve Wally West aka Kid Flash (Keiynan Lonsdale)"s "problems" when The Rogues show up again?

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In our previous recap, Barry needed the help of his father, Henry Allen (John Wesley Shipp) to deal with his humiliating defeat. In order get him back on his feet, Barry needed to put on the red suit when Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) was kidnapped by Gorilla Grodd. With the help of Earth-2"s Harrison Wells, who dressed up as Reverse-Flash, the Flash sent Gorilla Grodd through the speed cannon"s portal, dropping him in the middle of Gorilla City.

In our recent recap, Barry quickly realized he was no match to fight the immortal Vandal Savage (Casper Crump) alone. Needing the help of the Green Arrow (Stephen Amell), the scarlet speedster raced against the clock to protect Hawkgirl (Ciara Renee). Realizing her true destiny, Hawkgirl teamed up with Hawkman and the scarlet speedster to take down their unstoppable enemy.

In an interview with TV Line, Candice Patton reveals the upcoming episode will have a pivotal reunion between her and long-lost brother, Wally West, describing the hour is "a lot about family, which is a big plot point for Iris this season, so that"s really exciting. It"s a good Christmas episode, just like the last one. Good villain, good love and good heart."

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly,executive producer Andrew Kreisberg describes introducing Wally West, "Suddenly introducing him to a bit of a wayward kid who has some attitude problems and some authority issues and is quick with a sassy remark - all of which is very Wally West - and then watching Wally integrate into S.T.A.R. Labs universe, but also just the world of these characters, is going to be a lot of the fun of the back half of the year."

TheFlashcontinues Season 2 on the CW Tuesdays at 8pm.

Readers, are you excited for the winter finale of The Flash?

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