Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Oscar Pistorius Sentenced to Six Years in Jail for Reeva Steenkamp Murder

Oscar Pistorius Jailed For Six Years

Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius has been sentenced to six years in prison for murdering his girlfriendReeva Steenkampin 2013.

Oscar Pistorius in court today, sentenced to six years in jail for murder. Marco Longari - Pool/Getty Images Oscar Pistorius Convicted of Murder in Appeals Court Oscar Pistorius Gets Five-Year Jail Sentence Oscar Pistorius Guilty of Culpable Homicide, Not Murder Stars at Court

His latest jail sentence comes after his initial five-year conviction for manslaughter was changed to that of murder during an appeal in December 2015.

The South African athlete was taken straight to his cell after he received his sentence from Judge Thokozile Masipa. His lawyers say they will not appeal the decision.

Pistorius, 29, shot Steenkamp four times through a locked door in February 2013. He admitted to shooting her, but claimed he had mistaken his girlfriend for an intruder.

Olympic Athletes Turned TV and Movie Stars

Many commenters have expressed surprise at the sentence, which is much less than the prescribed minimum for murder.

Pistorius has already served one year of his previous conviction. He is obliged to serve half of his new term before being eligible for parole.

Olympic Athletes: Where Are They Now?

"A long term in prison will not serve justice," Judge Masipa said in her hourlong session. "Public opinion may be loud and persistent, but it can play no role in the decision of this court."

Tell Us: What do you think of Pistorius" new sentence?

Check out Christina Garibaldi and Ian Drew dishing on all the latest on this story during Us Weekly"s Facebook Live News Update.

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Ciara Worries That Future Might Kill Her Fianc Russell Wilson

DJ Khaled - I Got the Keys ft. Jay Z, Future

New documents in a defamation suit claim the R&B singers ex is threatening her fianc. How did their relationship go from marriage to murder?

What a time to be alive. Ciara and Futures ongoing legal battle has taken a turnfor the homicidal. According to newly filed documents in her defamation lawsuit, Ciara is claiming that her ex has made murder threats against her current fianc, Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson.

The R&B chanteuse specifically points tothe rappers rhymes on his song Juice, which includes the lyrics, Tryna f**k my baby mama, dog whats up with you? / You gon make me get that heat, Im pulling up on you. She also cites a recent Instagram post of hisnow deletedfeaturing two football emojis with guns pointing at them. Following reports of Ciaras latest filing, Future took to Twitter Tuesday afternoonwith a vague retort: Wish everyone could move on like me...thats my only wish.

The rappers wish came true a lot quicker than he probably expected, as news leaked that Ciara and Wilson are planning to tie the knot this Wednesday, July 6.

To trace these ex-lovers from marriage to murder, we have to go way back in timethree years. Once upon a time2013Ciara and Future were hip-hops It Couple. The rapper and singer titillated fans with relationship rumors for months, before they finally came out as cuffed. They even recorded a duet, Body Party. Once they threw this party for each others bodies, they decided to take it to the next level. With no need to squabble over who would take the others last name, Future popped the question and Ciara said yes. A few months later, the Goodies mastermind was showing off her baby bump on The View.

Unfortunately, it was only a couple more monthsand one ill-fated Brides magazine coverbefore their pre-matrimonial bliss hit a serious speed-bump. In keeping with the time-honored tradition of men sleeping with conveniently located women, Future allegedly cheated with his wardrobe consultant, Tyrina Lee. The rappers decision to invite another woman to his body party resulted in a broken engagement, and a whole lot of broken hearts.

In July 2015, Ciara and Russell Wilson went public with their new relationship. The alarmingly wholesome couple took amorous intensity to a whole new level, pledging not to sleep with one another until they were married. While the entertainment industry has had its share of fair weather virgins, from Nick Jonas to Britney Spears, Ciara and Wilson actually seemed resolute. Cleverly, the couple decided not to put too much pressure on their faith-based abstinence plan, announcing engagement plans after less than two years of dating.

After Future got outmaneuvered by the quarterback and his 16-carat commitment, the rapper turned to the petty playbook. Contradicting reports of infidelity, Future gave an interview insistingthat he called [the engagement] off way before any cheating rumors came out. He added that he let rumors fly long after the split because he felt embarrassed for her. When asked about Wilson and Ciaras old school (old testament?) approach, Future replied, G*d told me something else. He aint tell me to wait. I guarantee you that. We prayed afterwards though. After we did it, we prayed. Thats a true story.

Naturally, Ciara had a few choice words regarding her exs un-Christian comments, tweeting, Some Person Is So Dishonest and Ignorant That They Dont Deserve A Response. Unfortunately, the disrespect just kept coming. The rapper sat down with The Breakfast Club to publicly shame his baby mama for letting Russell Wilson spend time with Future Jr., complaining, Of course I wouldnt want someone pushing my son. Like, thats the number one rule You know this dude for a few months and youre bringing him around your kid? Who does that? Nobody does that. The rappers insistence on berating his ex over her new relationship revealed a fundamental disrespect for the woman who gave birth to his sonnot to mention the iconic banger 1, 2 Step.

Of course, a round of unwarranted mudslinging wouldnt be complete without some gendered slurs. Future went there with his next diss, a Twitter rant labelling Ciara a b***h with control problems, alleging, I gotta go through lawyers to see babyfuturethe f--kery for 15k a month. A Ciara source quickly disputed the rappers claims, insisting that the singer has never prevented Future from seeing his son, and that Future uses the situation to promote his music by staying in the press using her name.

Faster than he could say someone hacked my Twitter, Future was served with a $15 million defamation suit, courtesy of the R&B kween. Adding insult to injury, Future countersued, claiming thatCiara didnt have a high enough public profile to be defamed and referring to her last album as a flop. After a judge awarded the parents joint custody in May, Future had the good sense to drophis case.

Unfortunately, Futures fans are even pettier than their idol. For a select group of hip-hop bros, Ciara is exactly the type of baby mama that needs to be taken to task. The singer reeks of independence, from her decision to keep dating after her first engagement failed, to her audacious request for sole custody. Thats that s**t they dont like. When the May joint custody verdict came in, Twitter trolls heralded the decision as a major blow to Ciara, and karmic comeuppance for trying to bring another man into her babys life. In certain DS2-blasting corners of the internet, the R&B singer has been cast as a villain. In addition to the crime of replacing Future, shes charged with bad-mouthing her baby daddy and trying to take the successful rapper for all hes worth.

Of course, theres a gendered double standard at play here. Future probably cheated on his fianc, and yet shes the one whos out of line for dating a new guy after they split up. Meanwhile, the rapper has been far from celibate. Future called his baby mama a b***h in the press and yet, to hear Twitter bros tell it, Ciaras scheming merits all sorts of pejoratives. This is more than just hypocrisyits the eternal urge to shame female sexuality and police single mothers, amplified by social media. Unfortunately for Ciara and also everyone, internet misogyny, much like this never-ending legal battle, isnt going anywhere.


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Charlotte McKinney Shares t*****s Video For Fourth Of July [VIDEO]

Charlotte McKinney Explains 6 Things Women with Big Boobs Think are Bullshit | Cosmopolitan


Charlotte McKinney just shared a very patriotic t*****s video online with all of her one million Instagram followers.

On Monday for the Fourth of July, the 22-year-old swimsuit model shared a video on her Instagram account from a shoot for GQ magazine. In the video she is surrounded by American flags and wearing nothing on top, with barely her hands covering her.(RELATED:Charlotte McKinney Sent The Internet Into A Tailspin When She Posted This Bikini Photo)

The caption next to the video read, Happy Fourth of July, along with several American flag emojis. (RELATED:Charlotte McKinneys Top, Skirt Compete For Skimpiest Clothing Choice [SLIDESHOW])

Happy 4th of July !! @gq @wattsupphoto

A video posted by charlottemckinney (@charlottemckinney) on Jul 4, 2016 at 1:11pm PDT


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Sonda espacial Juno entra na rbita de Jpiter

La sonda espacial Juno llega a Júpiter tras cinco años de viaje

RIO - A sonda Juno, da Nasa, completou com sucesso na madrugada de desta tera-feira sua ousada manobra para entrar na rbita de Jpiter, maior planeta do Sistema Solar, aps percorrer cerca de 2,8 bilhes de quilmetros em quase cinco anos. No piloto automtico desde quinta-feira passada, a nave, viajando a mais de 250 mil km/h com relao Terra, acionou seu motor principal durante 35 minutos para reduzir sua velocidade relativa a Jpiter em meros 1,9 mil km/h, mas suficientes para ser capturada pelo poderoso campo gravitacional do planeta. De agora at meados de outubro, a Juno vai realizar duas longas rbitas de captura de 53,5 dias cada at 19 de outubro, quando ligar seu motor novamente para entrar numa rbita polar ovalada e mais curta que a levar a passar a pouco mais de 4 mil km do topo da atmosfera jupiteriana a cada 14 dias, prevista para sua misso cientfica que dever durar at fevereiro de 2018.

- Juno, bem-vinda a Jpiter anunciou Jennifer Delavan, funcionria da Lockheed Martin, empresa americana responsvel pela construo da Juno, no controle da misso no Laboratrio de Propulso a Jato da Nasa (JPL) em Pasadena, Califrnia, com a chegada dos sinais de rdio da sonda confirmando o sucesso da manobra 0h53 de ontem no horrio de Braslia, 48 minutos depois de seu efetivo fim em Jpiter, atualmente a cerca de 870 milhes de quilmetros de distncia da Terra.


A notcia de que a Juno tinha superado uma das etapas mais crticas de sua misso orada em US$ 1,1 bilho foi, naturalmente, recebida com festa pelos cientistas da Nasa. Isso porque, pouco antes de acionar seu motor, a sonda passou pelo Polo Norte de Jpiter atravs de uma regio que Heidi Becker, lder da equipe de monitoramento de radiao da Juno, descreveu como a parte mais temvel do lugar mais assustador: os imensos cintures de radiao em torno do planeta onde eltrons viajando a velocidades prximas da luz poderiam fritar seus sistemas eletrnicos. Protegidos em um cofre de titnio do tamanho de uma mala de uma picape, no entanto, o computador e os instrumentos da sonda sobreviveram a este primeiro encontro, que vai se repetir a cada uma das cerca de 40 rbitas totais da misso at que gradualmente no resistam mais a estes intensos e constantes ataques e comecem a falhar.

- Estamos l. Estamos em rbita. Conquistamos Jpiter. E agora comea a diverso, com a cincia comemorou Scott Bolton, cientista-chefe da misso Juno no Instituto de Pesquisas Southwest, em San Antonio, Texas. - Esta a coisa mais difcil que a Nasa j fez. o que acho.

Exageros como o de Bolton parte, de fato no foi uma operao fcil. Alm de atravessar os perigosos cintures de radiao de Jpiter, a sonda teve que realizar o acionamento de seu motor dentro de uma janela de apenas algumas dezenas de quilmetros em um perodo de tempo muito restrito de forma a ser capturada pela gravidade do planeta.

A nave funcionou perfeitamente, o que sempre muito bom quando se est dirigindo um veculo com mais de 1,7 bilho de milhas (quase 2,8 bilhes de quilmetros) no odmetro lembra Rick Nybakken, gerente do projeto Juno no JPL. A insero na rbita de Jpiter foi um grande e um dos mais desafiadores passos que restam no plano da misso, mas outros devem acontecer antes que possamos dar aos integrantes da equipe de cincia a misso que eles esperam.

E os primeiros dados podem vir antes mesmo do esperado. Segundo Bolton, embora o cerne da misso cientfica s tenha incio a partir de outubro, j existem planos para comear a coletar informaes relevantes sobre o planeta a partir das prximas semanas. Alm disso, no fim de agosto a JunoCam, cmera de alta resoluo includa na misso a pedido do pblico em uma iniciativa de divulgao cientfica da Nasa, dever enviar as primeiras imagens de perto das imensas tempestades que assolam o topo da atmosfera jupiteriana, das quais a mais conhecida a chamada Grande Mancha Vermelha, em atividade h sculos com ventos que passam dos 600 km/h.

Quando se fala do maior corpo planetrio do Sistema Solar, isso (a antecipao da coleta de dados) algo realmente bom, pois h muito para se ver e fazer l resume Bolton.


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Roger Federer mounts comeback to beat Marin Cilic at Wimbledon

Roger Federer d. Marin Cilic post-match INTERVIEW - Wimbledon 2016

LONDON Roger Federers bid for a record eighth Wimbledon title remains alive after he came from two sets down and saved three match points Wednesday before overcoming Marin Cilic in five sets, advancing to the semifinals at the All England Club for the 11th time.

Playing his best when he absolutely needed it most, the seven-time champion finished with his 27th ace to complete a 6-7 (4), 4-6, 6-3, 7-6 (9), 6-3 victory on Centre Court against the player who knocked him out in semifinals of the U.S. Open two years ago.

Well, a lot happened out there, Federer said, summing up the 3-hour, 17-minute battle filled with tension, momentum swings and crucial points.

I knew I was in so much trouble in the third, and then again in the fourth, he said. Im really, really pleased and just ecstatic I was able to come through somehow.

It was the 10th time in Federers career that he has erased a two-set deficit to win in five sets. This was also his 80th match win at Wimbledon, which equals Jimmy Connors record. Federer also matched Connors record of reaching the Wimbledon semifinals 11 times.

Whats more, Federer is now two wins away from the all-time record for Wimbledon mens titles. Hes currently tied with Pete Sampras and 1880s player William Renshaw with seven.

Federers semifinal opponent will be sixth-seeded Milos Raonic, who lost serve only once and downed No. 28 Sam Querrey 6-4, 7-5, 5-7, 6-4 on No. 1 Court.

Querrey had knocked out No. 1 Novak Djokovic in the third round on Saturday, but came up short in his bid to become the first American to make it to the semifinals of a Grand Slam since Andy Roddick reached the final four at Wimbledon in 2009.

Raonic, who has added John McEnroe to his coaching team this year, previously reached the semifinals at the All England Club in 2014, losing to Federer in straight sets. Raonic also got to the semifinals at this years Australian Open, falling to Andy Murray.

Raonic broke Querrey three times, including in the final game to end the contest.

Querrey had taken the third set after breaking the Canadian for the only time to go up 5-4, then serving it out with an ace on set point.

The two held serve until he 10th game of the fourth set when Querrey double-faulted for the fifth time to set up match point. The American missed a forehand volley on the final point.

Second up on Centre Court was No. 2 Andy Murray, the 2013 champion, facing No. 12 Jo-Wilfried Tsonga. On No. 1 Court, No. 10 Tomas Berdych was playing No. 32 Lucas Pouille.


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Court upholds dismissal of college board from lawsuit

Solución de pregunta prueba modelo College Board solicitada por estudiante de Puerto Rico

A federal appeals court on Friday upheld a lower court"s dismissal of the Nebraska State College Board of Trustees from a lawsuit over the 2010 disappearance of a Peru State College student.

The mother of Tyler "Ty" Thomas sued the board, saying it violated Title IX, the 1972 law that prohibits s*x discrimination in schools, by failing to protect Thomas from harm.

Thomas, 19, disappeared after encountering fellow student Joshua Keadle, who is now in prison for raping another teenage girl.

Citing a number of previous decisions, the appeals court agreed with a lower court judge who dismissed the college board from the lawsuit last year. U.S. District Court Judge John M. Gerrard found that while officials could have done more to protect Thomas, attorneys for her estate failed to show deliberate indifference by college officials.

Thomas was a freshman at the small Southeast Nebraska college when she disappeared in December 2010 after leaving a party. Authorities said Keadle told them he and Thomas had s*x in his vehicle that night and that she threatened to report he had raped her.

Keadle, who is now serving 15 to 20 years for the 2008 rape of a 15-year-old girl, has not been charged in Thomas" disappearance. The state issued a death certificate for her in 2013, but her body has never been found.

In the weeks before she disappeared, Peru State"s director of campus security had recommended to administrators that Keadle be expelled, according to court documents. He was not.

At the time, Keadle was a 29-year-old student who had been accused of sexually harassing two female students during his first weeks of living in a co-ed dorm.

Keadle has denied killing Thomas.

Neither attorneys for the college board nor Thomas" mother immediately returned calls Friday seeking comment, and a prison spokesman did not return a message requesting to speak with Keadle by phone.


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Former D-League Star Seth Curry Was A Big Free Agent Steal

Seth Curry Full Highlights 2016.04.11 at Suns - 20 Pts, 15 Assists, MUST Watch!

Jennifer Stewart-USA TODAY Sports

Seth Curry played two season in the NBA D-League before finding his footing in the NBA. He now is a member of the Dallas Mavericks, and he could be a huge free agent steal for the Mavs.

NBA Free Agency came to a halt yesterday after Kevin Durant announced that he will be joining the Golden State Warriors next season. Everyone is starting to forget about all the other big signings that happened this offseason due to Kevin Durant signing with the Warriors (still crazy to believe). But, one signing that did occur a little after the Durant announcement, was the signing of former D-League star Seth Curry.Curry was signed by the Dallas Mavericks yesterday to a two-year, $6 million deal.

Prior to his time in the NBA, Curry spent two seasons in the D-League on two different teams; the Santa Cruz Warriors during his rookie season (2013-2014) and the Erie BayHawks during the 2014-2015 season. For his D-League career, he averaged 21.9 PPG, 4.9 APG, and he shot 42.5 percent from deep.

After the D-League, he played in 44 games for the Sacramento Kings last season, and he averaged 6.8 PPG on15.7 MPG. Those numbers might not jump off the page at you, but towards the end of the season when Curry was given the green light to play more, he started to show off his true potential. In his last seven games, he averaged 16.4 PPG, 5.3 APG, and he shot 48.9 percent from beyond the arc.

The Dallas Mavericks signed Curry for two years which puts him in a position where he"ll probably be utilized more. Although the Mavs did re-sign Deron Williams and still have J.J. Barea, Curry will be a factor for the team due to his outstanding shooting ability. He shot 45 percent from three last year, and when he played more consistently for the Kings he shot even better. He obviously is not as gifted as a player or shooter as his MVP brother, but he has the shooting stroke in his genes and he could be one of the bigger under the radar steals of free agency.

It is really cool to see a D-League veteran get a shot to make some noise in the NBA. The Kings should have held on to Curry due to their fledgling backcourt, but the Mavs made one of the best low-risk, high-reward moves of NBA free agency.


Although Seth Curry might not seem like that big of deal, especially since it came after Kevin Durant"s big decision, but this will prove to be a steal for the Mavs. Curry has paid his dues in the D-League and for the Kings, but now he should become a consistent role player for the Mavs and help out the team immediately. He will need to improve on defense, and must learn to take better care of the basketball during his time in Dallas.

Seth Curry will never be as good as his brother, and that is completely fine, but do not be surprised if Curry becomes the biggest steal of NBA free agency. Shooters are going to shoot and that is exactly what the Mavs are going to want Curry to do.


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