Showing posts with label Bill O Reilly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill O Reilly. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2016

The point Bill O"Reilly misses about slavery

Bill O"Reilly: Slaves Who Built White House Were "Well Fed" With "Decent Lodgings"
I thought about this encounter again this week after Bill O"Reilly"s commentary on Michelle Obama"s seemingly uncontroversial reference to the White House having been built by slaves. After confirming the truth of the first lady"s statement, he then digressed into a weird description of slavery that seemed to undermine the larger point the first lady was making. His remarks are a reminder of the wisdom deficit disorder that we are facing in this country.

On top of the inaccurate details that O"Reilly felt the need to peddle, his comments reveal a failure to realize that the test of the strength of a democracy is how we deal with uncomfortable facts. In the U.S. Constitution, our Founders sought to form a "more perfect union" which, by definition, means that it was not yet perfect to begin with. It"s OK to admit that our country is a work in progress. Slavery, the shackles of the past, need not shackle us now. Telling us that slavery wasn"t all bad, even by implication, distracts from Michelle Obama"s point that only in a country of immense promise and self-confidence could the descendants of those people who were forced to cut and drag the granite of the Early Republic now inhabit their handiwork as the first family. That defines a great country, doesn"t it?

O"Reilly is a writer who believes in narrative history. Although historians (and in the case of his Reagan book, veterans of that administration) quibble with his books on Lincoln, Kennedy and Reagan, the fact is that he and his co-author, Martin Dugard, understand how to write a good yarn and a good line. It"s not surprising, necessarily, that he offered the historically indefensible counternarrative of the well-treated slave to make some noise. But shouldn"t some subjects, like the awfulness of slavery, be too serious for literary gamesmanship?The issue is not political correctness. It is wisdom at a fragile moment in our history. For months, we have seen race, religion and ethnic origin used to defend violence, weaken civil liberties and to challenge existing institutions. Why try to make a cheap point off the first lady, of all people, by diminishing the collective experience of suffering by so many Americans of the same race?If this was a misinterpreted throwaway line by O"Reilly, he has a chance to correct his history Wednesday night. If he was somehow suggesting a larger argument about the reality of slavery, then he is guilty of the same obfuscating as those who are responding to the Russian hack on the DNC by suggesting maybe the Russians should be hacking Hillary Clinton"s server to find her missing emails. Talk about missing the point!

To put it in terms O"Reilly should especially appreciate: Imagine someone saying after Dallas in 1963, "Too bad about Kennedy but wasn"t the weather beautiful and didn"t he look happy at the end." C"mon, Bill. [Full disclosure: About a decade ago I appeared on O"Reilly"s show and enjoyed the discussion.] This is a time when the country desperately needs smart people of the left and the right to act like adults, to highlight the profound over the superficial, the real over the spin.


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Bill O"Reilly: "They Want Me Dead! They Do!"

Bill O"Reilly: Slaves Who Built White House Were "Well Fed" With "Decent Lodgings"

Bill OReilly used the start of Wednesday nights OReilly Factor to defend himself against a sparky little storm of criticism about his Tuesday comments on a line in Michelle Obamas Democratic Convention speech: I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves. OReilly had responded by saying the slaves that worked there were well-fed and had decent lodgings.

OReillys remarks were widely reported, criticized, and derided; the Fox News host condemned the phony outrage, and specifically chided Stephen King and Bryan Cranston for needling him on Twitter.

OReillys Wednesday response started out aggressive and escalated to shouting paranoia. He gave Wednesdays Talking Points Memo the piquant title Vicious Attacks By Media Deceivers, and brought on Fox regulars Geraldo Rivera and Eric Bolling for reinforcement. We who work at this network have to band together, OReilly told Rivera and Bolling, to call out the people who are trying to destroy this network! Bill said Fox contributors must call out the lies of the far-left press by name.

OReilly then shifted to one of his favorite punching bags, Black Lives Matter, criticized protests under that banner, and made a looping, vague argument about the violence that has occurred at various political protests. Then the host said, Im afraid its going to happen to me at Fox News! His voice rising to a shout, OReilly bellowed, They want me dead! They do!

Rivera in particular looked a bit startled at how quickly the chat had moved from Michelle Obama to the hosts fears of personal attack. The entire segment was indeed startling. Perhaps the recent decision by Rupert Murdoch to oust long-time Fox News mastermind Roger Ailes has made OReilly worried about his own place in the world, but as for any threat of personal harm as I said: startling indeed.

Watch O"Reillys initial comments:


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Bill O"Reilly Defends Controversial White House Slave Comments

Jordan Speaks Out, Michelle Obama, Bill O Reilly, KRS One Defends Bamabatta, Freddie Gray

Transcript for Bill O"Reilly Defends Controversial White House Slave Comments

We move on to that bill O"Reilly backlash under fire for saying after michelle Obama"s speech that the slaves were well fed in decent lodgings. He is responding now and linsey Davis has the latest. Reporter: Even though he says smear merchants are distoring his words last night bill O"Reilly offered more details to support his incendiary comments that the slaves who bill the white house were well fed and had decent accommodations. This morning, Fox News host bill O"Reilly is doubling down on his controversial fact checking of the first lady"s dnc speech Monday night after Michelle Obama pointed out the historical significance of being the first black family to live in the white house. I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves. And I watch my daughters, two beautiful, intelligent black young women playing with their dogs on the white house lawn. Reporter: On "The O"Reilly fact"s" tip of the day he angered some by describing what he called historical context. Slaves that worked there were well fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government. Reporter: He then added further fuel to the fire with this commentary. So Michelle Obama is essentially correct in citing slaves as builders of the white house but there were others working as well. Reporter: Outrage was swift. Audra McDonald had these stark pictures with captions like dear bill O"Reilly, live in this. Wear these. And take a ride on this, maybe now you"ll get why people are having a hard time with your description of the slaves" am San diegos. TV producer and writer Shonda rhimes tweeted, the idiocy never ceases to amaze me. Try slavery, bill. Let us know how good the food is while you wear chains. Leave it to Fox News to provide a fair and balanced view of slavery. More vicious attacks from the far left media deceivers. Reporter: Last night O"Reilly elaborated on his point and lashed out at critics. In order to keep slaves and free laborers strong, Washington"s administration provided meat, bread and other staple, also decent lodging on the grounds of the new presidential building. That is a fact. Not a justification, not a defense of slavery. Just a fact. Anyone who implies a soft on slavery message is beneath contempt. The author who wrote the book "The invisibles untold to story of african-americans in the white house" has weighed in on all of this saying we don"t know the quality of the food or housing because there are no historical records that support that judgment. What is undeniable is that the slaves were not given a choice on what they ate or where they lived and my question is really. Is this something that needs to be debated at all? We are after all talking about slaves. George and robin. It"s just surreal that we"re even talking about it.

This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.


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