Showing posts with label FA Cup final. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FA Cup final. Show all posts

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Watch: FA Cup final national anthem singer Karen Harding awkwardly forgets to sing national anthem

FA CUP FINAL! Crystal Palace vs Manchester United | TYT Sports Let"s Talk Tactics

Singer Karen Harding will probably want to stay away from the highlights of Saturday"s FA Cup final, after she missed her cue to sing the national anthem before the game.

You might get away with missing the first line or two in the stands, but when you"ve been hired specifically for the task of belting out "G*d Save the Queen" and are stood alone on the Wembley turf, there are few places to hide.

Fans didn"t miss their cue to castigate the pitiable singer, who appeared to be having technical trouble with her earpiece.

Nonetheless, as more than one wag pointed out on social media,there were thousands of singing fans providing some clue as to when Harding might have needed to start.


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