Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Investors Turn Bullish on Major Announcements From Yum! Brands Inc. and Weight ...

A Typical Day on Weight Watchers! - Lost 146 Pounds and Counting!

Yum! Brands (NYSE:YUM) has suffered years of scrutiny amid reports of poor quality meat and questionable supplier practices in China. In light of these reports, some investors have been hesitant to risk ruffling their feathers and prefer to stick in their comfort zone. But a recent move might turn those investors bullish once again.

Meanwhile, Weight Watchers International (NYSE:WTW) has made history with its recent announcement regarding a high profile partnership that could get their numbers up and push them out of a slump.

A full transcript follows the video.

The next billion-dollar iSecret The world"s biggest tech company forgot to show you something at its recent event, but a few Wall Street analysts and the Fool didn"t miss a beat: There"s a small company that"s powering their brand-new gadgets and the coming revolution in technology. And we think its stock price has nearly unlimited room to run for early in-the-know investors! To be one of them, just click here.

Dylan Lewis: Investors say "Yum!" to Weight Watchers on this episode of Industry Focus.

Greetings, Fools! Today is Oct. 20, 2015. I"m your host, Dylan Lewis, and I"m joined in the studio today by Motley Fool consumer goods analyst, Vincent Shen. Vincent, how you doing today?

Vincent Shen: How are you, Dylan?

Lewis: Doing all right. Perhaps not as good as some of the stocks we"re going to be talking about today. A lot of big moves in the market. Why don"t we start out talking about Yum! Brands and some news about the stock?

Shen: A major announcement just came out before the market opened, that the company will be spinning off its business in China. The initial response has been very positive, like you mentioned. It"s up over 4%, last I checked.

Lewis: For listeners that aren"t as familiar with Yum!, what"s driving management to make such a big decision?

Shen: Ultimately, this all centers around its China division, which makes up about half of revenue and operating profits. The issue there is that China"s previous major growth vehicle has seen revenue stagnate over the past two years, or so. To illustrate that, for the full year 2012, China division saw revenue of about $6.9 billion. Two years later, for full year 2014, it was just over $6.9 billion.

The problem is, there"s a huge shift from previously when, in 2011 to 2012, you"d see anywhere from 25% to 35% annual growth.

Lewis: Okay, so there"s a big drop off there.

Shen: Big drop off.

Lewis: What"s the reason for that shift?

Shen: For investors who don"t follow Yum! as regularly, it"s just been plagued by terrible publicity as a result of some food quality scandals.

Lewis: I remember a couple months back when they had some issues with meat sourcing.

Shen: Yes. They get hit back to back, really. That"s just resulted in this longer slide. In 2012, CCTV reported at the end of 2012 that local a KFC supplier was treating chickens with excess antibiotics after they did some testing in the previous two years. Management forecasted a 25% same-store sales decline as a result from that negative publicity. It actually came down just around 20%, but the pain continued.

Restaurant margin declined 7% points, operating profit fell a very significant 41%. The next quarter was more of the same. Same-store sales were down 20%, margin down 5% points, operating profit plummeted 63%. At that point it"s possible -- they hit it with a lot of marketing to try and get customers back in their stores, but right after that happened there was an avian flu situation, too. So they were hurt by that as well.

It"s this ongoing pain that management was feeling in their China division. When things started to pick back up over the next year or so, they got hit again recently -- last summer -- when there were reports that came out that one of their suppliers, this time at an American owned factory, was basically continuing to use tainted and expired chicken.

As you can imagine, this actually hit McDonald"sand Starbucksas well, but same-store sales fell 14%, margin declined 4.6% points, operating profit down 30%. For full year 2015, the most recent quarter, management indicated that same store sales were going to come in slightly negative.

After years of suffering through this really poor recovery, and being hit by these scandals, investors are very unhappy and management has been going through this long, strategic review trying to determine what they can do to revitalize that business.

Lewis: Basically, it was issue after issue after issue, and they weren"t able to rally long enough to reinstill that consumer confidence.

Shen: Yeah. They were probably picking up some momentum and looking like they would at least return somewhat to their previous growth and their success there, but they got hit by this other scandal.

Lewis: I"ve seen this name in some of the articles I"ve been reading about the issues: Keith Meister. Can you talk a little bit about his role in all this?

Shen: He"s a big player here because he"s an activist investor from Corvex Management. They"re one of Yum! Brands biggest shareholders. I think they have a 5% stake. They made an announcement last week that he had been appointed to the board of directors. He"s been very public with his view that Yum! Brands should be spinning off its China business entirely.

He presented that in a speech that he made in May of this year. The stock has traded down about a quarter since then as a result of its recent earnings reports, but it"s kind of interesting to see, since that slide he got appointed to the board and then not even a week later they"re making this announcement and this stock is seeing a big boost as a result.

Lewis: Yeah. This is the nudging of an activist investor.

Shen: Oh, I think it"s a huge part of that.

Lewis: Okay. What are these two new companies going to look like? What can investors expect?

Shen: Yum! China operates about 6,900 total restaurants, and that"s just KFC and Pizza Hut. Taco Bell has no presence in China yet. They"re working on it. Under the current structure those are primarily company owned. What"s going to happen is, Yum! Brands overall is targeting over 95% franchise model for their whole network of restaurants. Then Yum! China will just become an overall franchisee and it will be Yum! Brands" largest one by far.

Yum! Brands overall has 41 thousand restaurants worldwide. They"ve been opening about 2000 more annually. That"s a pretty impressive rate of growth in terms of their number of restaurants, at least.

Lewis: When should we be looking for this deal to close out?

Shen: Deals should be completed by the end of 2016 and CEO, Greg Creed, described the deal in a way that"s not all that surprising. He said "Following the separation, each stand-alone company will be able to intensify focus on its distinct commercial priorities, allocate its own resources to meet the needs of its business, and pursue distinct capital structures and capital allocation strategies. This will provide a clear investment thesis and visibility to attract a long term investor base suited to each business."

Not surprisingly, this will give investors their choice to invest in the Yum! Brands model, which is high margin, very stable due to the franchisee model where they"re just getting that licensing revenue, and then more of the growth model through Yum! China, assuming they"re able to get things back on track.

Otherwise, Creed is going to continue running Yum! Brands and Micky Pant who took the senior role for China late last year is going to keep running that business.

Lewis: Great. We"re going to be talking about Weight Watchers in a minute, but before we do, I just wanted to remind our listeners that we have a special offer for The Motley Fool"s Stock Advisor newsletter, for all of our IF listeners. As a loyal Industry Focus listener you have access to a special discount on Stock Advisor that works out to $129 for a full two year subscription. Just go to to take advantage of this offer. Again, that"s

You get a Weight Watchers membership, and you get a Weight Watchers membership, and you get a Weight Watchers membership. What is going on with Weight Watchers this week?

Shen: We talked about Yum! Brands jumping 4% on the news that they"d be spinning off the China business, whereas Weight Watchers has jumped well over 100% in a day and a half of trading.

Lewis: That"s insane! I don"t know if I"ve ever seen anything like it.

Shen: It all has to do with one pretty powerful celebrity, as you can see: Oprah Winfrey. Before the market opened yesterday, she announced that she would be taking a 10% stake in Weight Watchers. Basically, purchasing about 6.4 million shares for $43 million. This is part of a partnership that she"s forming with the company lasting five years where they get to use her for their marketing and in all of their promotional materials.

They describe her role as three parts: she"ll be a member herself. She"s talked about how Weight Watchers has helped her maintain her lifestyle. She"s also a board member and advisor, and lastly, as part owner as she takes on that stake.

Lewis: Very interesting stuff. This jump is positive, no doubt. It"s great to have someone that can be the face of the company, especially someone who"s using the product as a spokesperson. A lot of the rally that we"re seeing is gaining back the huge losses that have been experienced earlier in the year. Can you talk a bit about what"s been charging that?

Shen: Sure. You definitely got that right. The stock"s down 70% year-to-date and the slide hasn"t just been a recent thing. The shares peaked in May 2011 at $85, they"ve fallen over 95% since then, and this really has a lot to do with the rising popularity of mobile devices like smart phones and wearables, surprisingly enough.

The idea being that now you have all this new, technology driven resources for weight loss, for general wellness, tracking your diet, tracking your exercise, and that"s attracting a lot of people. So, Weight Watchers has struggled on the technological front to hold onto their memberships and their revenues have suffered as a result.

Full year 2014 revenue has fallen 20% from its 2011 levels and the company has just seen several years of consistently declining sales overall. Before this announcement was made and the stock traded up astoundingly so, 105% yesterday, I think it"s up another 30% today. The stock itself was valued about 10x its expected 2015 earnings.

The thing is, for the next five years or so, analysts were forecasting earnings to decline anywhere from 15% to 20% annually for that period. You definitely have a very down beaten stock where management has instituted things like cost cuts, changing up its management team itself, it"s had a hard time competing with this onslaught of new technology, and new options that people have when it comes to weight loss.

Lewis: One the one hand there"s tons of competition from mobile tech and wearable integrated products. Things like Jawbone, Fitbit, and things like that. No doubt it"s eating into market share, but weight loss isn"t exactly something that will be going away. It"s a major trend, I think people are becoming more health conscious and there"s definitely a place for a player like this.

How impactful do you think Oprah might be with her involvement in the company? Is this something that is irrational over exuberance by the market? Is there any justification for this stock raising as much as it has?

Shen: The market is obviously really enthusiastic about this. Incredibly so. Like you mentioned, I haven"t really seen a stock go on a bull run like this just from a singular endorsement from a celebrity before. I think the power here is that Oprah has a very strong track record where she"s proven her ability to make certain products, books, or even people extremely successful.

There are multiple people who were part of her show when it was still running, who now have their own shows. The books she recommends immediately shoot up to the top of the best seller list. Products she recommends sell out. I think one of her products, the owner didn"t see any success until Oprah mentioned it, and I think it turned her into a billionaire herself.

Lewis: Yeah, it just takes off like that.

Shen: Exactly.

Lewis: It"s really astounding how successful books become once they"re on her "Book of the Month" club.

Shen: In this case, I don"t think that Oprah is going to be able to solve all the company"s woes, and it"s not going to completely shift the competitive environment as it stands now; but where the company can benefit is first, a huge wave of increased interest, just from the stock run. Also, just from the positive publicity it"s getting.

Oprah and a lot of her fans hit the demographic that Weight Watchers wants. How far Weight Watchers can leverage, how far the company can leverage this partnership and this recent success -- at least with its stock price -- is really up to them. I know they"re going to at least expand into much more of an overall wellness company, rather than just focusing on weight loss as they already have begun to do.

This might be the kick they need as they have access to her huge fan base.

Lewis: It"s almost like a platform play for them, really. They"re getting access to this established person with this devout following, and this ready-made market that people are ready to follow pretty much anything she recommends.

Shen: It hasn"t taken long. If you go to their website now she"s already on there with a pretty catchy slogan. It basically says "I"m ready. Are you ready to join me?" I"m very curious to see if the enthusiasm that investors have had for Weight Watchers shares in this past day and a half will actually amount to real bottom line and topline growth.

Lewis: It will be fun to watch. Thank you for your time, Vincent.

Shen: Thanks, Dylan.

Lewis: Always a pleasure. If you"re a loyal listener and have questions or comments we would love to hear from you. Just email us at Again, that"s As always, people on this program may have interests in the stocks that they talk about, and the Motley Fool may have formal recommendations for or against those stocks. So, don"t buy or sell anything based solely on what you hear on this show. Thanks for listening, and Fool on!


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Lady Royals score 7, blow past Bison in girls soccer

9/11/15: Orioles score 10 in the 8th to sink Royals
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Star Wars Fan Grant Gustin Discusses Working With Mark Hamill On The Flash

Batman Arkham City: New behind the scenes feat Mark Hamill as the Joker

One of the greatest casting gets for The CW series The Flash last year was landing Mark Hamill as the role of James Jesse, The Trickster, the same role he played in the original Flash TV show.

It isnt the only big role that Hamill has returned to in the past year last night especially, Star Wars has been big on the minds of the general public with the release of a new trailer and very recently, Hamill reprised his Trickster role once again for an episode of The Flash Season Two that has recently been filming.

So what was it like for Grant Gustin, star of The Flash and self-professed Star Wars fan, to be reunited with the once and future Luke Skywalker?

Actually, I have, like, four Star Wars t-shirts in my t-shirt collection, Gustin admitted to us on the set of The Flash last night, during our press tour that will soon involve more interviews from the set. I wear them all the time, and I happened to have one on when he was working, but I didnt know he was working, because we werent working together that day. he gets out of his car, and this time I didnt have to introduce myself and I said Yo! Mark! and I have, like, a Dark Side shirt, and he was like why are you wearing a Dark Side t-shirt? Grant recalled.

Its fun. You know, its Mark Hamill! Its really cool to have him on the show.

The Flash has a new episode airing tonight on The CW, and Mark Hamill returns in an episode airing later in 2015. See photos from tonights episode HERE!


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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Gilmore Girls reboot: Where did the relationships end?

"Gilmore Girls" Cast Interviews - ATX 2015 Reunion
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Netflix has announced that it will be rebooting Gilmore Girls for a series of four 90-minute movies. Fans everywhere drank an ungodly amount of coffee, put on their cute pajamas with the cakes on them and started counting down the days to its release. True fans have several questions they want to see answered in a revival. But, just like the Gilmore girls themselves, we obsess the most over the relationships of Stars Hollow.

Kirk and Lulu

Stars Hollow"s favorite weird millionaire, Kirk, was dating adorable school teacher Lulu when the series ended. Did Kirk go back and buy the Twickham house after Luke and Lorelai broke up? Did Kirk and Lulu get married? And if Kirk settled down with a wife and a family, would he also settle down with one job?

Paris and Doyle

Paris and Doyle were planning to stay together while Paris went to Harvard, with Doyle taking a newspaper job to be near her. Is there any chance that Paris and Doyle stayed together? Its doubtful. Paris is probably working for a brilliant but flawed lawyer at a firm where they commit almost as many murders as they get acquitted, while Doyle curses the end of print journalism in a bar somewhere.

Lane and whoever she married after Zach

When we last saw Lane and Zach, they were happily married and raising their adorable twins. But marriages that happen fresh out of high school because the bride is saving herself for marriage never last. Hopefully the band stayed together and the breakup made their lyrics even better.

More: QUIZ: Think you"re the biggest Gilmore Girls fan? Prove it!

Mrs. Kim and Mr. Kim

By the finale of Gilmore Girls, we had still never seen Mr. Kim. Lane often spoke of her parents and made it seem as if they made decisions together, but her father was never shown, nor was his absence ever explained. Wouldnt it be cool if we finally meet Mr. Kim in the reboot and find out that he went out to get cigarettes one day and didnt return for seven years, but no one ever mentioned it because hes a super-reliable guy and they all assumed hed come back eventually? Wouldnt it be even cooler if Mr. Kim was super hot?

Logan and Logans dad

Logan proposed to Rory in the last episode after going to California and starting his own business. That move finally made him worthy of Rory, so it was perfect that she turned him down to pursue her own career. But knowing Logan, theres no way he is actually a changed man. Odds are best that after Rory broke his heart, he went right back to living on Daddys credit card.

Taylor and power

Over the course of the series, Taylor Doose became more and more egomaniacal and took over more and more of Stars Hollow. What is his relationship to power now? Has Stars Hollow been renamed Doose Land, a corporate town he rules with an iron fist? Or did Taylor collapse with the economy and is he now relegated to being town selectman with none of the power that comes with also owning almost every business in town?

Rory and Lane

Are Rory and Lane still friends? They were already drifting apart in the final season, with Rory setting off to enter the busy world of politics and Lane busy parenting twin boys. Did they speak less and less until years went by without a phone call? Or did they keep their relationship strong?

Sookie and Jackson

Obviously, Sookie and Jackson are the greatest love story in Stars Hollow. Melissa McCarthy, I know you are super famous now, but you must join this reboot!

Madeline and Louise

We didnt see too much of Madeline and Louise after everyone went to college, but were still curious: After all that making out to impress boys, will we finally see Madeline and Louise as the couple they truly are? Or, if those actresses arent available, can we see the same story line with Lucy and Olivia (aka post-Chilton Madeline and Louise)?

Rory and Jess

Dean who? Dean was a perfectly fine high school sweetheart, but no one wants to see Rory settle down with such a boring wishy-washy guy. A sexy, dark, tortured, published author, however if Rory is dating anyone from her past, it had better be Jess. At the end of the final season, Jess was running his own publishing company in Philadelphia; come on, that is exactly what Rory would find unbelievably sexy once she was no longer tied to Logan.

Luke and Lorelai

If the television gods care about us at all, these two will have grown and matured over the years since the series finale and will finally be ready to stop being so selfish (Lorelai) and learn to communicate (Luke). We have to see them come together and be happy, but not already together when the series starts. I wouldnt mind seeing Lorelai have a quick tryst with Max before settling down with her true love. But Christopher had better not show up anywhere!

Emily and Lorelai

Everyone talks about how Lorelai and Rory have the perfect mother-daugther relationship, but Emily and Lorelais relationship is the real core of the show. This story will truly be complete when they have fully forgiven each other and have become as close as Lorelai and Rory are.

Will you be bingeing the original series to prepare for the reboot?


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Eddie Lacy hands out hats to families

Eddie Lacy 2014 season highlights

Green Bay Packers running back Eddie Lacy is helping families before a blast of winter weather arrives.

Lacy gave away hats Saturday afternoon at Freedom House Ministries in Green Bay.

The apparel is made by New Era, which is the official on-field cap of the NFL.

You know, to go in there and see the looks on everybodys faces and see how happy they were, it was like a blessing, said Eddie Lacy.

Lacy also helped give out food and clothing, which was collected throughout Wisconsin.


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Monday, October 19, 2015

2015 Colts Schedule Highlighted By Primetime Games

2015 Indianapolis Colts Training Camp: Full schedule announced

INDIANAPOLIS The anticipation is over.

The Colts know when and where they will be playing their 2015 opponents.

As expected, there are plenty of cant miss storylines throughout the Colts schedule.

Here are a few takeaways from the Colts 2015 schedule:

October Stretch

Whenever I first take a look at a new schedule, I look for that eye-popping stretch. What stretch could really turn a season in one direction or another? For me, that comes in Weeks 5-9 when the Colts start with a trip to Houston on a Thursday night (10/8), New England (10/18), New Orleans (10/25), at Carolina (11/2) and Denver (11/8). The Colts will have nationally televised games in four of those five matchups and that will lead into their Week 10 bye week. In that stretch, you have tremendous quarterback play with five teams that all earned a postseason berth or were on the verge of one last season.

Primetime Five

The most primetime games a team can have in a season is five and it is to no surprise the Colts have that allotment in 2015. We touched on a trio of the primetime games above (Houston-Thursday, New England-Sunday and Carolina-Monday). The other two will come in the opening and closing months of the season. The Colts home opener will be a Monday Night Football matchup versus the New York Jets (9/21). The final night game for the Colts in 2015 will come on Sunday, December 6 when the AFC South Champs travel to Pittsburgh to take on the defending AFC North Champions.

AFCs Elite

After three straight 11-win seasons, the Colts are certainly in a position to not only secure the AFC South, but think about home field advantage in the playoffs. Its an attainable goal, one that has been elusive in the Colts recent playoff appearances. If the Colts are going to play at Lucas Oil Stadium past January 3 (the regular season finale), circle these dates on your calendar as vital AFC matchups: New England (10/18), Denver (11/8) and at Pittsburgh (12/6).

Division Slate

For really the second straight year, the Colts have their divisional games divided up into two stretches during the season. The first comes in Weeks 3-5 when the Colts meet the AFC South for the first time in 2015: at Tennessee (9/27), Jacksonville (10/4) and at Houston (10/8). The rematches for those games will come in Weeks 13-17: at Jacksonville (12/13), Houston (12/20) and Tennessee (1/3). Remember, the Colts bring an impressive 13-game divisional win streak into the 2015 season.

December Warmth?

Theres great news for the Colts road trips in December. Yes, the Pittsburgh road game on 12/6 (Sunday Night Football) wont be ideal weather wise, but the next two contests away from home are friendlier. The Colts will travel to Jacksonville on 12/13 and Miami on 12/27 to round out their road slate for 2015. If you are looking for a possible road atmosphere (in the regular season) that could best resemble a playoff trip then that trip to Pittsburgh on December 6 will be the one to watch in the second half of the year.


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"Blue Bloods" Season 6 Spoilers: Bridget Moynahan returns to the show; Frank ...

Bridget Moynahan | Steve Adubato | One on One

The upcoming season is explosive as Frank is accused of corruption while dealing threats within the City. Meanwhile, Danny"s life is in danger as he receives a threatening letter from someone. Also, actress Bridget Moynahan comes back in the set as a judge. The characters of "Blue Bloods" will face difficult challenges as the show premieres for its 6th season.

The first episode reveals that Chief of Police Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck) has to deal with a terrorist threat in New York City. However, Frank will be accused of corruption since he will be used as a tool for corrupt politicians. The political issue will alledgedly affect his entire family since all of his members work in this kind of industry, as reported by Carter Matt.

Meanwhile, Danny Reagan"s (Donnie Wahlberg) life is in danger as he receives a threatening message from a possible serial killer.According toChristian Today, the mysterious sender is not only trying to target Danny but also his family as well.In the coming episodes, Danny starts toprotect his family since the day he received the letter.At the same time, Danny starts to find the person who is trying to threaten his life.

Other than that Bridget Moynahan was revealed to be back on the set as Assistant District Attorney, Erin Reagan-Boyle will also be back in the show. Her character is considering about applying as a judge as mentioned on Cross Map.

The premiere episode of the "Blue Bloods" brings Frank in a very serious situation that will have a significant effect in his city. New challenges for Danny are about to make the upcoming episodes of the series exciting and thrilling.

CBS network renewed"Blue Bloods"for Season 6 last May 2015. The upcoming season is scheduled toresume in Sept. 25, 2015.The premiere episode of "Blue Bloods" Season 6 is entitled, "Worst Case Scenario"."Blue Bloods" is an American police-procedural drama TV Series created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess. The show is produced by Fred Keller, Jane Raab, and David Barrett.


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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Penn State football chat with Joe Juliano

Penn State at Ohio State - Football Highlights
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Watch "Shroomed-Out" Eminem Goof Off in DJ Steve Porter Birthday Supercut

Eminem - Guts Over Fear ft. Sia

DJ Steve Porter, the video-remixwizardwhose past efforts range froman inspirational Usain Bolt supercuttoa compilationof disgraced former Toronto mayor Rob Ford"s career lowlights, turns his attention to the world of hip-hop in his latest creation, premiering above. The video honors Eminemin advance of his 43rd birthday tomorrow and takes the viewerback to a simpler time in the life of the legendary MC.

Sidebar 20 Insanely Great Eminem Tracks Only Hardcore Fans Know

Titled "A Shady Birthday," Porter"s video zeroes in on Eminem"s breakout year of 1999, cuttingbetween interviews with the rapper that originally ran on MTV,Canada"s Much network and the independent show PhatClips. The Much segmentfinds Eminem merrily spouting his "My name is ..."catchphrase in a parking lot, while the PhatClips excerpts show him horsing around with host D-Ex, professing that he"s "a little shroomed-out" andstating mock-sternlythat "I don"t promote drugs." A clip from 2009"s "We Made You" "Matter fact, make me a birthday cake" plays up the celebratory theme.

"I wanted to give Eminem some birthday love via his early days on video," Porter told Rolling Stone of the piece. "Hes as hilarious and funny as he is talented, and I wanted to bring those elements out in this remix."


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Watch Eminem Transform Into Britney Spears On "The Real Slim Shady" Video Set

Eminem - When I"m Gone
by Nadeska Alexis 10/15/2015

Eminems birthday is coming up on October 17, but we need to celebrate Shady for more than one day of the year. And thats because hes one of the most creative and hilarious artists of all time. Weve got the throwback footage to prove it, too.

Back in 2000 Em made fun of everyone and their mom in The Real Slim Shady video, and that included Britney Spears, who was the reigning pop queen at the time. He really got into character rocking her outfit from the Baby One More Time video and the behind-the-scenes footage of him transforming into Brit is priceless.

Marshall didnt seem to fully realize what he was getting into here, but by the time he was wearing false eyelashes, lip liner and a blonde wig, he was ready to roll with it.

Check out the silly footage above.

Embedded from A native of Grenada, a product of Brooklyn, a student of hip-hop. @neweryork


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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Everything you need to know about Mets" NLCS opener vs. Chicago Cubs

"Right Now" | 2015 New York Mets Postseason Promo (HD)

NEW YORK The Metscontinue their postseason march on Saturday when they host the Chicago Cubs in Game 1 of the National League Championship Series at Citi Field.

PLUS:"Karate Kid" beats Cobra Kai again: Mets win sparks Ralph Macchio trash talk

The Mets earned their first NLCS berth since 2006 after defeating the Los Angeles Dodgers in five games in the division series. The Cubs, meanwhile, won the NL Wild Card and then eliminated the St. Louis Cardinals in four games.

Matt Harvey will start for the Mets and go up against Chicago lefty Jon Lester.

Here"s what you missed from the Mets" workout day on Friday:

1.The definitive Mets-Chicago Cubs NLCS preview

2.Mets NLCS preview: 8 Chicago Cubs stars to know

3.Mets went 0-7 against Chicago Cubs this year: Why it doesn"t matter

4.5 reasons the Mets will beat the Chicago Cubs in the NLCS

5.Chicago Cubs lose shortstop Addison Russell for NLCS vs. Mets

6.How the Mets fared against the Chicago Cubs this season

7.Mets doomed based on "Back to the Future II" eerie Cubs prediction

8.WATCH: Mets" Daniel Murphy"s 3rd base swipe mirrors Yankees" Johnny Damon in 2009 World Series

9.The search for Steve Bartman leads to sympathy for infamous Cubs fan | Politi

10.Chicago Cubs" Joe Maddon: Mets" Matt Harvey a mystery to me

11.Mets" Game 2 NLCS starter vs. Chicago Cubs remains undecided

12.Mets" Noah Syndergaard has a Thor-themed message for Chicago on Twitter profile

13.Mets" Matt Harvey not guaranteed to make 2 NLCS starts vs. Chicago Cubs

14.Uh oh, Mets: Chicago Cubs "similar to" Boston Red Sox that stunned Yankees

15.Juan Uribe won"t be on the Mets" NLCS roster

16.How the Chicago Cubs nearly drafted Mets star rookie Michael Conforto

Maria Guardado may be reached at Follow her on Twitter @mi_guardado. Find on Facebook.


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What"s the deal with Sweetest Day bullshit, anyway?

Vanessa Williams - The Sweetest Day (Karaoke)
Tomorrow is Sweetest Day. Well, tomorrow is Sweetest Day in many Midwestern towns, mainly Detroit and Cleveland. But in the rest of the country it will just be a regular ol Saturday.

Who"s to blame for that?

In Detroit, itd be Frederick Sanders of the Sanders Candy Company, a large promoter of the holiday (scroll down to see the man who founded Sanders in 1875). In Cleveland, itd be those 12 white guys up top. (From left to right, courtesy of this post:C.R. Canter, A.E. Barton, R.T. Fuller, J.J. Wilsdon, R.H. Sheehan, W.A. Katzenmeyer, A.A. Sarouch, Louis Hahn, W.J. Nichols, C.C. Hartzell [chairman], L. Narwood, and L.E. Gruber.)

That was the committee back in 1921 literally called the "Sweetest Day in the Year Committee" that created this godforsaken excuse of a holiday. Yes, they were candy guys one and all, straight out of Big Candy, and they came up with this grand scheme to pull a holiday out of midair to boost sales. It"s just the sort of nefarious dealings you would expect from a bunch of confectioneers. Big Candy is not to be trifled with.

Lots of folks, of course, have mistakenly placed blame on Big Greeting Card before y"all know the term Hallmark Holiday but American Greetings and Hallmark did nothing but take advantage of Big Candy"s creation and used it to sell a bajillion greeting cards to guys who had the misfortune of living in Cleveland or Detroit while dating. (Hallmark started making cards in the "60s, AG in the "30s.)

Former Plain Dealer scribe and current CWRU media relations guru Bill Lubinger broke down the actual origin story back in 2005. Sadly, that piece of journalism is no longer available on Thankfully, though, bits and pieces of it were shared on a variety of Sweetest Day-oriented sites and in articles and the creamy nougat of his work can be pulled together for the most part, the most important bit being that the original tales of magnanimous candymakers dolling out treats for no reason other than to be good people is probably definitely not true. From the Mount Vernon News:

The heartwarming version of the story is that, in 1922, Herbert Birch Kingston, a candy company employee, gave away candy to people he felt had been forgotten by others: Orphans, shut-ins and the underprivileged. His magnanimous gesture caught on and the holiday always celebrated on the third Saturday in October spread, but slowly and not very far.

However, reporter Bill Lubinger of The Cleveland Plain Dealer shot the heartwarming story full of holes a few years ago when he wrote that ... Clevelands top candy makers concocted the promotion ... and it stuck, although it never became as widely accepted as hoped.

Lubinger bases this on The Plain Dealers own article published on Oct. 8, 1921, which tells how Sweetest Day was planned by a committee of 12 confectioners, who distributed 19,500 boxes of candy to newsboys, homeless people, orphans and others who had fallen on hard times in Cleveland. The Sweetest Day in the Year Committee was assisted in the distribution of candy by some of the biggest movie stars of the day including Theda Bara and Anne Pennington.

Big Candy tried to push the holiday to other cities, including New York, but not many cities were dumb enough to get sucked into the sugary hurricane. We were not so lucky.


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Friday, October 16, 2015

Roddy White gets his touch, and a touchdown

Redskins vs. Falcons | Week 5 Highlights | NFL

NEW ORLEANS -- Atlanta Falcons veteran wide receiver Roddy White said he wanted more touches. Well, he made his first one on Thursday night count.

White caught a 7-yard touchdown pass from Matt Ryan in the second quarter of Thursday night"s rivalry game between the Falcons and Saints. It was the 63rd touchdown of White"s career, which added to his franchise record.

White entered the game with just eight catches for 115 yards, including two games without a catch (New York, Dallas). He told he wanted to be more involved in the offense rather than just being a blocker. After his comments, White met with both head coach Dan Quinn and offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan to resolve the issue.

No promises were made about how many targets White would receive moving forward, but Quinn and Shanahan assured White he was an important part of the team regardless. Ryan and top receiver Julio Jones stood behind White the entire way.

We"ll see if the touchdown will help White get back into a rhythm. He also had an eight-yard catch with just under 10 minutes remaining before halftime.

White is the team"s all-time leading receiver and entered Thursday night"s game with 10,472 career receiving yards on 773 catches.


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Wall St. falls after Wal-Mart"s weak forecast; Netflix down after the bell


U.S. stocks fell on Wednesday as Wal-Mart Stores Inc (WMT.N) skidded after issuing a weak profit forecast and as JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) slipped on disappointing results.

The news added to worries about the outlook for U.S. earnings, with Standard & Poor"s 500 profits forecast to have dropped more than 4 percent in the third quarter from a year ago, according to Thomson Reuters data.

After the market close, shares of Netflix (NFLX.O) fell 2.4 percent to $107.55 after the company reported U.S. subscriber additions below its own forecast. The shares were down about 12 percent shortly after the news.

Separately, grocery operator Albertsons (ABS.N) postponed the pricing of its initial public offering amid weaker-than-expected demand from investors, people familiar with the matter told Reuters, while First Data Corp (FDC.N) priced the year"s biggest IPO at a discount.

During the regular session, Wal-Mart sank 10 percent to $60.03 in its biggest one-day percentage decline in years and its heaviest trading day since January 2009, after it forecast a drop of up to 12 percent in earnings per share in fiscal 2017.

The decline erased roughly $22 billion off the retailer"s market value, and the stock was the biggest drag on both the Dow Jones industrial average and S&P 500.

Target Corp (TGT.N) was down 3.5 percent at $76.20, Sears Co Ltd (SHLD.O) fell 3.0 percent to $24.41, while the S&P 500 retail index .SPXRT dropped 1.2 percent.

Data showing U.S. retail sales barely rose in September weighed on sector shares.

JPMorgan shares fell 2.5 percent to $59.99 after the bank reported disappointing third-quarter results late on Tuesday.

"In these next three weeks in the earnings season, we"re going to get some clear guidance not just on earnings for the third quarter but guidance for the fourth quarter and for next year. That"s going to be crucial," said John Canally, investment strategist and economist for LPL Financial in Boston.

The Dow Jones industrial average .DJI fell 157.14 points, or 0.92 percent, to 16,924.75, the S&P 500 .SPX lost 9.45 points, or 0.47 percent, to 1,994.24 and the Nasdaq Composite .IXIC dropped 13.76 points, or 0.29 percent, to 4,782.85.

Wells Fargo & Co (WFC.N) fell 0.7 percent to $51.50, while Bank of America Corp (BAC.N) rose 0.8 percent to $15.64 both following results.

Among other big decliners, shares of Boeing Co (BA.N) dropped 4.3 percent to $134.22. Delta Air Lines Inc"s (DAL.N) chief executive said he expects the market to be "ripe" for the carrier to buy used widebody planes over the next 12 to 36 months, as low interest rates have created a market bubble. Delta shares were up 1.8 percent at $48.59. Declining issues outnumbered advancing ones on the NYSE by 1,809 to 1,241, for a 1.46-to-1 ratio on the downside. On the Nasdaq, 1,759 issues fell and 1,005 advanced for a 1.75-to-1 ratio favoring decliners.

The S&P 500 posted seven new 52-week highs and five new lows; the Nasdaq recorded 21 new highs and 57 new lows.

About 6.9 billion shares changed hands on U.S. exchanges, compared with the 7.5 billion daily average for the past 20 trading days, according to Thomson Reuters data.

(Editing by Leslie Adler, Meredith Mazzilli and Richard Chang)


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Actress Hayden Panettiere battling postpartum depression

Hayden Panettiere on Her Fiancé, Waxing, and a Hedgehog
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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Kourtney Kardashian Breaks Her Silence on Lamar Odom, Shares Sweet Throwback ...

Lamar Odom Found Unconscious In A Brothel

As Lamar Odom remains in critical condition, Kourtney Kardashian is turning to her Christian faith as she hopes for his recovery.

On Thursday, just one day after she flew to Las Vegas to join sister Khlo Kardashian at Lamar"s bedside at Sunrise Hospital, Kourtney tweeted she was, "Believing in the power of prayer for this beautiful soul." She also shared a heartwarming throwback photo of Lamar and Mason Disick laughing together in happier times.

All of Khlo"s siblings are praying for Lamar"s recovery, too. Rob Kardashian Instagrammed a throwback snap of him with Lamar, writing simply, "Praying nonstop for my brother."

NEWS: Lamar Odom remains in critical condition, health is "no better, no worse"

Kylie Jenner Instagrammed a photo with the former L.A. Laker as well, writing, "Let"s dance again together soon. Prayers up for Lamar please."

Kris Jenner shared a photo of Lamar in his purple and gold uniform, writing, "Please pray for Lamar #ourfighter," while Kendall Jenner tweeted simply, "please don"t go."

PHOTOS: Khlo Kardashian and Lamar Odom"s romance rewind

Lamar"s two children are also in town, Khlo having paid to fly in his daughter Destiny, 17, and son Lamar Jr., 13, as well as their mother, Liza Morales, E! News learned.

Friends of Lamar"s, including former teammate Kobe Bryant, have flocked to his bedside, and athletes and celebrity friends alike have shared messages of love, hope and support on social media.

WATCH: Lamar Odom is surrounded by "lots of love"

It"s clear Lamar is beloved by manyas his former coach Bill Bayno told E! News exclusively, ""He is a great, great human being..."I don"t think you will ever find anyone saying one bad word about him."

Coach Bayno actually recruited Lamar to play college basketball for UNLV back in 1997, but his collegiate career didn"t actually begin until he transferred to the University of Rhode Island.

A spokesperson for the school issued a statement Thursday, saying, "The University of Rhode Island community continues to keep former Rhody basketball star Lamar Odom in its thoughts and prayers as he remains in a Las Vegas hospital. Known for his warmth, kindness and generosity while he was on campus, Lamar delighted Rhode Island students, alumni and fans with his talent and joy for the game."

NEWS: Everything we know so far about Lamar Odom"s hospitalization

"He took his game to the NBA"s Los Angeles Clippers and then the Lakers, where he helped the Lakers win two titles," the statement continued. "And now, as people hope and pray for his full recovery, tributes from former teammates, sports writers, columnists and pundits pour in. While acknowledging his imperfections, they have highlighted his heart of gold, respect for his teammates and rivals, polite manner and openness during interviews."

The statement continued: "This is the Lamar Odom who forged his NBA credentials at the University of Rhode Island, the player who appreciated any high-five, a congratulatory comment from a fellow student, and who never brushed anyone off. He will remain a part of the URI story for years to come."

For the latest on Lamar"s condition, tune in to E! News Thursday at 7 and 11 p.m.

Magic Johnson has a heartwarming message of hope for Lamar"s recovery in the video below.

PHOTOS: Lamar Odom in happier times, on and off the court



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Overlooked Collin McHugh looking to extend Astros miracle season

Ciro y Los Persas - ASTROS (+ letra) (Álbum ""27"")

(Getty Images)

Dallas Keuchel emerged as the Houston Astros ace in 2015. One of the club"s biggest trade deadline acquisitions was Scott Kazmir. One of their biggest stories was rookie Lance McCullers Jr. Yet, with their season on the line during Wednesday"s Game 5 ALDS matchup against the Kansas City Royals, the team will turn to their most under-appreciated starter.

Collin McHugh will take the rubber in a do-or-die scenario as the Astros look to continue their incredible surprise season. In fairness, he"s not even the most interesting pitcher in this matchup. That honor goes to Johnny Cueto. The ace, and occasional Cy Young contender, hasn"t pitched well since joining the Royals. Even in the biggest game of the season, McHugh can"t seem to grab any headlines.

That should be a familiar feeling. Despite some excellent numbers, McHugh has flown under the radar for Houston the past two seasons. While he hasn"t been as good as Keuchel in 2015, his turnaround has been quite similar.

Prior to joining the Astros, McHugh was starting to look like a major-league washout. He had shown some promising numbers in the minors, but his lack of fastball velocity made many skeptical that he was getting by on smoke and mirrors. Because of that, it wasn"t a surprise when he struggled once he reached the majors.In 47 1/3 innings, McHugh posted an awful 8.94 ERA. That"s a small sample, but given his non-prospect status and his age, it was starting to look like McHugh was set for a life in the minors.

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The Astros must have seen something they liked, because the club picked him up on waivers prior to the 2014 season. After 19 average innings in the minors, the Astros decided to call up McHugh as a starter early in the year. With any other team, McHugh may not have received this opportunity, but we"re talking about the Astros here. The team had lost 324 games over the past three seasons. They needed all the help they could get.

(Getty Images)

McHugh dominated immediately. In his first start, he struck out 12 hitters en route to the win. With Houston, he was a different pitcher. McHugh experienced a bit of a velocity jump in 2014. His fastball went from 90.99 mph with the Colorado Rockies in 2013 to 92.40 mph in his first season with Houston. He also scrapped his sinker in favor of throwing his cutter and curve more often, according to

That success led to some surprising numbers. In 154 2/3 innings, McHugh posted a 2.73 ERA and struck out over a batter per inning. Suddenly, the possible major-league washout was starting to look like an ace.

There were some doubts about McHugh"s ability to replicate his 2014 success heading into 2015, but he more or less delivered. His numbers weren"t as strong. McHugh"s strikeout rate dropped and so did his velocity. While his 3.89 ERA wasn"t as good, there were still plenty of positives.

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McHugh managed to increase his ground ball rate for the second straight season. As a result, his home run rate dropped slightly. That"s significant considering his early struggles with the long ball. He also threw 200+ innings for the first time in his career.

He may not have become a true ace, but he proved he could be, at the very least, a mid-rotation starter moving forward. Considering his outlook two years ago, that has to be viewed as a significant achievement.

And so, with the Astros season on the line, McHugh will get the ball. Given that his growth has mirrored the club"s rise to prominence, that seems fitting.

Few expected the Astros to be in this position right now. Even fewer thought Collin McHugh would ever become the type of pitcher a team could rely on in a must-win scenario.

After being overshadowed for much of his career, this is finally McHugh"s opportunity to get some much-deserved recognition.

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Chris Cwik is a writer for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!


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