Showing posts with label Eminem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eminem. Show all posts

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Watch "Shroomed-Out" Eminem Goof Off in DJ Steve Porter Birthday Supercut

Eminem - Guts Over Fear ft. Sia

DJ Steve Porter, the video-remixwizardwhose past efforts range froman inspirational Usain Bolt supercuttoa compilationof disgraced former Toronto mayor Rob Ford"s career lowlights, turns his attention to the world of hip-hop in his latest creation, premiering above. The video honors Eminemin advance of his 43rd birthday tomorrow and takes the viewerback to a simpler time in the life of the legendary MC.

Sidebar 20 Insanely Great Eminem Tracks Only Hardcore Fans Know

Titled "A Shady Birthday," Porter"s video zeroes in on Eminem"s breakout year of 1999, cuttingbetween interviews with the rapper that originally ran on MTV,Canada"s Much network and the independent show PhatClips. The Much segmentfinds Eminem merrily spouting his "My name is ..."catchphrase in a parking lot, while the PhatClips excerpts show him horsing around with host D-Ex, professing that he"s "a little shroomed-out" andstating mock-sternlythat "I don"t promote drugs." A clip from 2009"s "We Made You" "Matter fact, make me a birthday cake" plays up the celebratory theme.

"I wanted to give Eminem some birthday love via his early days on video," Porter told Rolling Stone of the piece. "Hes as hilarious and funny as he is talented, and I wanted to bring those elements out in this remix."


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Watch Eminem Transform Into Britney Spears On "The Real Slim Shady" Video Set

Eminem - When I"m Gone
by Nadeska Alexis 10/15/2015

Eminems birthday is coming up on October 17, but we need to celebrate Shady for more than one day of the year. And thats because hes one of the most creative and hilarious artists of all time. Weve got the throwback footage to prove it, too.

Back in 2000 Em made fun of everyone and their mom in The Real Slim Shady video, and that included Britney Spears, who was the reigning pop queen at the time. He really got into character rocking her outfit from the Baby One More Time video and the behind-the-scenes footage of him transforming into Brit is priceless.

Marshall didnt seem to fully realize what he was getting into here, but by the time he was wearing false eyelashes, lip liner and a blonde wig, he was ready to roll with it.

Check out the silly footage above.

Embedded from A native of Grenada, a product of Brooklyn, a student of hip-hop. @neweryork


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