Thursday, July 28, 2016

Bernie Supporter Told Debbie Wasserman Schultz to "F*ck Off" Along With "Your b***h" Hillary in Email

WikiLeaks DNC Emails Forcing Debbie Wasserman Schultz to Resign. Clinton Only 1.9 Above Donald Trump

Even the lesser-known emails in the recent Wikileaks dump of hacked DNC emails contain fascinating details. For example, did you know that if you sent an interesting enough reply to a presidential campaigns email blast, they actually read it and pass it around? And did you know that despite having won the state, there are at least two Tennesseeans who are really not crazy about Hillary Clinton?

The DNC got at least two such replies to an email blast entitled Join me in Knoxville June 3rd!, the first being a profane, if misspelled, kiss-off from Knoxville-based executive Michael Vukmir to outgoing DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her b***h Hilary:

I wouldnt join the DNC in Knoxville unless Debbie steps down along with Hilary. You have lost every inch of my support so f**k off Debbie along with your b***h Hilary.

FEEL THE Bern b*****s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Another response to the same email was passed around by DNC staff as well:

DWS, youre almost as corrupt as $hillary Clinton. Ive already left the Democratic partyafter 32 years. Lots of us have. And you and your direction for the Democratic party are a large reason why. HRC is the other reason.

Its comingthe shock you will feel when MILLIONS of us wont vote for ShillaryPERIOD.

f**k you.

The DNC staffers internal response to both emails was the same: Great start!


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